Colin Murray-Wallace
Colin Murray-Wallace
Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Wollongong
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Post-glacial sea-level changes around the Australian margin: a review
SE Lewis, CR Sloss, CV Murray-Wallace, CD Woodroffe, SG Smithers
Quaternary Science Reviews 74, 115-138, 2013
Quaternary sea-level changes: a global perspective
CV Murray-Wallace, CD Woodroffe
Cambridge University Press, 2014
In situ U-series dating by laser-ablation multi-collector ICPMS: new prospects for Quaternary geochronology
SM Eggins, R Grün, MT McCulloch, AWG Pike, J Chappell, L Kinsley, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (23-24), 2523-2538, 2005
Holocene sea-level change on the southeast coast of Australia: a review
CR Sloss, CV Murray-Wallace, BG Jones
The Holocene 17 (7), 999-1014, 2007
Sea-level and environmental changes since the last interglacial in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia: an overview
AR Chivas, A Garcı́a, S van Der Kaars, MJJ Couapel, S Holt, JM Reeves, ...
Quaternary International 83, 19-46, 2001
The last interglacial shoreline in Australia—a review
CV Murray-Wallace, AP Belperio
Quaternary Science Reviews 10 (5), 441-461, 1991
Pleistocene coastal stratigraphy, sea‐level highstands and neotectonism of the southern Australian passive continental margin—a review
CV Murray‐Wallace
Journal of Quaternary Science: Published for the Quaternary Research …, 2002
Sea-level rise and coastal change: the past as a guide to the future
CD Woodroffe, CV Murray-Wallace
Quaternary Science Reviews 54, 4-11, 2012
The evolution of coastal barrier systems: a case study of the Middle-Late Pleistocene Wilderness barriers, South Africa
MD Bateman, AS Carr, AC Dunajko, PJ Holmes, DL Roberts, SJ McLaren, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (1-2), 63-81, 2011
Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Holocene relict foredunes, Guichen Bay, South Australia
CV Murray-Wallace, D Banerjee, RP Bourman, JM Olley, BP Brooke
Quaternary Science Reviews 21 (8-9), 1077-1086, 2002
Whole-rock aminostratigraphy of the Coorong Coastal Plain, South Australia: towards a 1 million year record of sea-level highstands
CV Murray-Wallace, BP Brooke, JH Cann, AP Belperio, RP Bourman
Journal of the Geological Society 158 (1), 111-124, 2001
The last interglacial sea-level high stand on the southern Cape coastline of South Africa
AS Carr, MD Bateman, DL Roberts, CV Murray-Wallace, Z Jacobs, ...
Quaternary Research 73 (2), 351-363, 2010
Last interglacial fossil elephant trackways dated by OSL/AAR in coastal aeolianites, Still Bay, South Africa
DL Roberts, MD Bateman, CV Murray-Wallace, AS Carr, PJ Holmes
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 257 (3), 261-279, 2008
Rapid coastal geomorphic change in the River Murray Estuary of Australia
RP Bourman, CV Murray-Wallace, AP Belperio, N Harvey
Marine Geology 170 (1-2), 141-168, 2000
Sea-level history, 45,000 to 30,000 yr BP, inferred from benthic foraminifera, Gulf St. Vincent, South Australia
JH Cann, AP Belperio, VA Gostin, CV Murray-Wallace
Quaternary Research 29 (2), 153-175, 1988
Depositional history and archaeology of the central Lake Mungo lunette, Willandra Lakes, southeast Australia
KE Fitzsimmons, N Stern, CV Murray-Wallace
Journal of Archaeological Science 41, 349-364, 2014
Geology of Hawaii reefs
CH Fletcher, C Bochicchio, CL Conger, MS Engels, EJ Feirstein, N Frazer, ...
Coral Reefs of the USA, 435-487, 2008
Aminostratigraphy of Quaternary coastal sequences in southern Australia—an overview
CV Murray-Wallace
Quaternary International 26, 69-86, 1995
Chronology of Quaternary coastal aeolianite deposition and the drowned shorelines of southwestern Western Australia–a reappraisal
BP Brooke, JM Olley, T Pietsch, PE Playford, PW Haines, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 93, 106-124, 2014
Palaeoclimatic implications of the occurrence of the arcoid bivalve Anadara trapezia (Deshayes) in the Quaternary of Australasia
CV Murray-Wallace, AG Beu, GW Kendrick, LJ Brown, AP Belperio, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 19 (6), 559-590, 2000
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