Matthew Spencer
Matthew Spencer
lecturer, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool
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Species richness and the proportion of predatory animal species in temporary freshwater pools: relationships with habitat size and permanence
Spencer, Blaustein
Ecology letters 2 (3), 157-166, 1999
Oviposition habitat selection by mosquitoes (Culiseta longiareolata) and consequences for population size
M Spencer, L Blaustein, JE Cohen
Ecology 83 (3), 669-679, 2002
Impact of replicate types on proteomic expression analysis
NA Karp, M Spencer, H Lindsay, K O'Dell, KS Lilley
Journal of proteome research 4 (5), 1867-1871, 2005
Phylogenetics of artificial manuscripts
M Spencer, EA Davidson, AC Barbrook, CJ Howe
Journal of theoretical biology 227 (4), 503-511, 2004
Likelihood, parsimony, and heterogeneous evolution
M Spencer, E Susko, AJ Roger
Molecular biology and evolution 22 (5), 1161-1164, 2005
The effects of habitat size and productivity on food web structure in small aquatic microcosms
M Spencer, PH Warren
Oikos, 419-430, 1996
Selection on stability across ecological scales
JJ Borrelli, S Allesina, P Amarasekare, R Arditi, I Chase, J Damuth, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30 (7), 417-425, 2015
Integron‐associated gene cassettes in Halifax Harbour: assessment of a mobile gene pool in marine sediments
JE Koenig, Y Boucher, RL Charlebois, C Nesbø, O Zhaxybayeva, ...
Environmental Microbiology 10 (4), 1024-1038, 2008
Testing for covarion-like evolution in protein sequences
HC Wang, M Spencer, E Susko, AJ Roger
Molecular biology and evolution 24 (1), 294-305, 2007
Authenticated DNA from ancient wood remains
S Liepelt, C Sperisen, MF Deguilloux, RJ Petit, R Kissling, M Spencer, ...
Annals of botany 98 (5), 1107-1111, 2006
Evolution of alternative mating tactics: conditional versus mixed strategies
SJ Plaistow, RA Johnstone, N Colegrave, M Spencer
Behavioral Ecology 15 (4), 534-542, 2004
Phosphorescent, liquid-crystalline complexes of platinum (II): influence of the β-diketonate co-ligand on mesomorphism and emission properties
M Spencer, A Santoro, GR Freeman, A Diez, PR Murray, J Torroba, ...
Dalton Transactions 41 (47), 14244-14256, 2012
Are there fine‐scale spatial patterns in community similarity among temporary freshwater pools?
M Spencer, SS Schwartz, L Blaustein
Global Ecology and biogeography 11 (1), 71-78, 2002
How many clones need to be sequenced from a single forensic or ancient DNA sample in order to determine a reliable consensus sequence?
MA Bower, M Spencer, S Matsumura, RER Nisbet, CJ Howe
Nucleic Acids Research 33 (8), 2549-2556, 2005
Manuscript evolution
CJ Howe, AC Barbrook, M Spencer, P Robinson, B Bordalejo, LR Mooney
TRENDS in Genetics 17 (3), 147-152, 2001
Dynamic species distribution models from categorical survey data
N Mieszkowska, G Milligan, MT Burrows, R Freckleton, M Spencer
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (6), 1215-1226, 2013
Temporal change in UK marine communities: trends or regime shifts?
M Spencer, SNR Birchenough, N Mieszkowska, LA Robinson, ...
Marine Ecology 32, 10-24, 2011
Community and food-web responses to the manipulation of energy input and disturbance in small ponds
PH Warren, M Spencer
Oikos, 407-418, 1996
Data‐driven models for regional coral‐reef dynamics
K Żychaluk, JF Bruno, D Clancy, TR McClanahan, M Spencer
Ecology letters, 2012
Hatching responses of temporary pool invertebrates to signals of environmental quality
M Spencer, L Blaustein
Israel Journal of Zoology 47 (4), 397-418, 2001
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