José Antonio Belso-Martinez
Cited by
Cited by
The dynamics of technical and business knowledge networks in industrial clusters: Embeddedness, status, or proximity?
PA Balland, JA Belso-Martínez, A Morrison
Economic geography 92 (1), 35-60, 2016
Why are some Spanish manufacturing firms internationalizing rapidly? The role of business and institutional international networks
JA Belso-Martínez
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 18 (3), 207-226, 2006
Do industrial districts influence export performance and export intensity? Evidence for Spanish SMEs' internationalization process
J Antonio Belso-Martinez
European Planning Studies 14 (6), 791-810, 2006
Estrés laboral. Guía para empresarios y empleados
J Martínez
Editorial Prentice Hall Financial Times, Madrid España, 2004
Formation and dissolution of inter-firm linkages in lengthy and stable networks in clusters
FX Molina-Morales, JA Belso-Martínez, F Más-Verdú, L Martínez-Cháfer
Journal of Business Research 68 (7), 1557-1562, 2015
How do interorganizational networks and firm group structures matter for innovation in clusters: Different networks, different results
JA Belso-Martínez, F Mas-Verdu, L Chinchilla-Mira
Journal of Small Business Management 58 (1), 73-105, 2020
Synergistic effects and the co-existence of networks in clusters
JA Belso-Martínez, A Mas-Tur, N Roig-Tierno
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 29 (1-2), 137-154, 2017
Equilibrium entrepreneurship rate, economic development and growth. Evidence from Spanish regions
JA Belso Martínez
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 17 (2), 145-161, 2005
Internacionalización y PYMES: conclusiones para la actuación pública a partir de una análisis multivariante
CVE Asensi, JAB Martínez
RAE: Revista Asturiana de Economía, 169-195, 2003
Combining effects of internal resources, entrepreneur characteristics and KIS on new firms
JA Belso-Martinez, FX Molina-Morales, F Mas-Verdu
Journal of Business Research 66 (10), 2079-2089, 2013
Clustering and internal resources: moderation and mediation effects
JA Belso‐Martínez, F Xavier Molina‐Morales, F Mas‐Verdu
Journal of Knowledge Management 15 (5), 738-758, 2011
Sistema de información de mercados
J Martínez
España: Parainfo, 2018
Delving into the technical textile phenomenon: networking strategies and innovation in mature clusters
JA Belso-Martínez, JV Tomás-Miquel, M Expósito-Langa, R Mateu-García
The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2020
Firm’s strategic choices and network knowledge dynamics: how do they affect innovation?
JA Belso-Martinez, I Diez-Vial
Journal of Knowledge Management 22 (1), 1-20, 2018
Differences in survival strategies among footwear industrial districts: The role of international outsourcing
JA Belso-Martínez
European Planning Studies 16 (9), 1229-1248, 2008
The brokerage role of supporting organizations inside clusters: how does it work?
JA Belso-Martinez, I Diez-Vial, MJ Lopez-Sanchez, R Mateu-Garcia
European Planning Studies 26 (4), 706-725, 2018
Knowledge network dynamics in clusters: past performance and absorptive capacity
JA Belso-Martínez, M Expósito-Langa, JV Tomás-Miquel
Baltic journal of management 11 (3), 310-327, 2016
Industrial clusters in Mexico and Spain: Comparing inter-organizational structures within context of change
A Martínez, JA Belso-Martínez, F Más-Verdú
Journal of Organizational Change Management 25 (5), 657-681, 2012
The COVID-19 response system and collective social service provision. Strategic network dimensions and proximity considerations
JA Belso-Martínez, A Mas-Tur, M Sánchez, MJ Lopez-Sanchez
Service Business 14, 387-411, 2020
Marketing internacional
J Martínez
Comercio y Marketing, 2017
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Articles 1–20