Duplessis Sébastien
Duplessis Sébastien
INRAE Research Director, Deputy head of ECODIV Division (CDA)
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Cited by
The Genome of Black Cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray)
GA Tuskan, S Difazio, S Jansson, J Bohlmann, I Grigoriev, U Hellsten, ...
science 313 (5793), 1596-1604, 2006
The genome of Laccaria bicolor provides insights into mycorrhizal symbiosis
F Martin, A Aerts, D Ahrén, A Brun, EGJ Danchin, F Duchaussoy, J Gibon, ...
Nature 452 (7183), 88-92, 2008
Obligate biotrophy features unraveled by the genomic analysis of rust fungi
S Duplessis, CA Cuomo, YC Lin, A Aerts, E Tisserant, C Veneault-Fourrey, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (22), 9166-9171, 2011
Périgord black truffle genome uncovers evolutionary origins and mechanisms of symbiosis
F Martin, A Kohler, C Murat, R Balestrini, PM Coutinho, O Jaillon, ...
Nature 464 (7291), 1033-1038, 2010
Oak genome reveals facets of long lifespan
C Plomion, JM Aury, J Amselem, T Leroy, F Murat, S Duplessis, S Faye, ...
Nature plants 4 (7), 440-452, 2018
Mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in plant-interacting fungi: distinct messages from conserved messengers
LP Hamel, MC Nicole, S Duplessis, BE Ellis
The Plant Cell 24 (4), 1327-1351, 2012
Mining gene expression data with pattern structures in formal concept analysis
M Kaytoue, SO Kuznetsov, A Napoli, S Duplessis
Information Sciences 181 (10), 1989-2001, 2011
Genome-wide identification of NBS resistance genes in Populus trichocarpa
A Kohler, C Rinaldi, S Duplessis, M Baucher, D Geelen, F Duchaussoy, ...
Plant molecular biology 66, 619-636, 2008
Insight into trade‐off between wood decay and parasitism from the genome of a fungal forest pathogen
Å Olson, A Aerts, F Asiegbu, L Belbahri, O Bouzid, A Broberg, B Canbäck, ...
New Phytologist 194 (4), 1001-1013, 2012
Identification of symbiosis‐regulated genes in Eucalyptus globulus–Pisolithus tinctorius ectomycorrhiza by differential hybridization of arrayed cDNAs
C Voiblet, S Duplessis, N Encelot, F Martin
The Plant Journal 25 (2), 181-191, 2001
Developmental cross talking in the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis: signals and communication genes
F Martin, S Duplessis, F Ditengou, H Lagrange, C Voiblet, F Lapeyrie
New Phytologist 151 (1), 145-154, 2001
Transcript patterns associated with ectomycorrhiza development in Eucalyptus globulus and Pisolithus microcarpus
S Duplessis, PE Courty, D Tagu, F Martin
New Phytologist 165 (2), 599-611, 2005
Transcript Profiling of Poplar Leaves upon Infection with Compatible and Incompatible Strains of the Foliar Rust Melampsora larici-populina
C Rinaldi, A Kohler, P Frey, F Duchaussoy, N Ningre, A Couloux, ...
Plant physiology 144 (1), 347-366, 2007
Poplar peroxiredoxin Q. A thioredoxin-linked chloroplast antioxidant functional in pathogen defense
N Rouhier, E Gelhaye, JM Gualberto, MN Jordy, E De Fay, M Hirasawa, ...
Plant physiology 134 (3), 1027-1038, 2004
Candidate Effector Proteins of the Rust Pathogen Melampsora larici-populina Target Diverse Plant Cell Compartments
B Petre, DGO Saunders, J Sklenar, C Lorrain, J Win, S Duplessis, ...
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 28 (6), 689-700, 2015
A Comprehensive Analysis of Genes Encoding Small Secreted Proteins Identifies Candidate Effectors in Melampsora larici-populina (Poplar Leaf Rust)
S Hacquard, DL Joly, YC Lin, E Tisserant, N Feau, C Delaruelle, V Legué, ...
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 25 (3), 279-293, 2012
Advances in understanding obligate biotrophy in rust fungi
C Lorrain, KC Gonçalves dos Santos, H Germain, A Hecker, S Duplessis
New Phytologist 222 (3), 1190-1206, 2019
Gene expression patterns of trembling aspen trees following long‐term exposure to interacting elevated CO2 and tropospheric O3
P Gupta, S Duplessis, H White, DF Karnosky, F Martin, GK Podila
New Phytologist 167 (1), 129-142, 2005
Decoding the oak genome: public release of sequence data, assembly, annotation and publication strategies
C Plomion, JM Aury, J Amselem, T Alaeitabar, V Barbe, C Belser, ...
Molecular ecology resources 16 (1), 254-265, 2016
Genome-wide analysis of eukaryote thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs) with an emphasis on poplar
B Petre, I Major, N Rouhier, S Duplessis
BMC plant biology 11, 1-16, 2011
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Articles 1–20