Ryan Kromer
Ryan Kromer
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Identifying rock slope failure precursors using LiDAR for transportation corridor hazard management
RA Kromer, DJ Hutchinson, MJ Lato, D Gauthier, T Edwards
Engineering Geology 195, 93-103, 2015
Automated terrestrial laser scanning with near-real-time change detection–monitoring of the Séchilienne landslide
RA Kromer, A Abellán, DJ Hutchinson, M Lato, MA Chanut, L Dubois, ...
Earth surface dynamics 5 (2), 293-310, 2017
Effects of sampling interval on the frequency-magnitude relationship of rockfalls detected from terrestrial laser scanning using semi-automated methods
M van Veen, DJ Hutchinson, R Kromer, M Lato, T Edwards
Landslides 14, 1579-1592, 2017
A 4D filtering and calibration technique for small-scale point cloud change detection with a terrestrial laser scanner
RA Kromer, A Abellán, DJ Hutchinson, M Lato, T Edwards, M Jaboyedoff
Remote Sensing 7 (10), 13029-13052, 2015
Development and optimization of an automated fixed-location time lapse photogrammetric rock slope monitoring system
R Kromer, G Walton, B Gray, M Lato, R Group
Remote Sensing 11 (16), 1890, 2019
Classification methods for point clouds in rock slope monitoring: A novel machine learning approach and comparative analysis
L Weidner, G Walton, R Kromer
Engineering Geology 263, 105326, 2019
Managing rockfall risk through baseline monitoring of precursors using a terrestrial laser scanner
R Kromer, M Lato, DJ Hutchinson, D Gauthier, T Edwards
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 54 (7), 953-967, 2017
Rockfall risk management using a pre-failure deformation database
RA Kromer, E Rowe, J Hutchinson, M Lato, A Abellán
Landslides 15, 847-858, 2018
An analysis of failure mechanism constraints on pre-failure rock block deformation using TLS and roto-translation methods
E Rowe, DJ Hutchinson, RA Kromer
Landslides 15, 409-421, 2018
Development of improved semi-automated processing algorithms for the creation of rockfall databases
H Schovanec, G Walton, R Kromer, A Malsam
Remote Sensing 13 (8), 1479, 2021
Evaluation of rockfall trends at a sedimentary rock cut near Manitou Springs, Colorado, using daily photogrammetric monitoring: Evaluation of rockfall trends at a sedimentary …
G Walton, C Christiansen, R Kromer, A Silaev
Landslides 20 (12), 2657-2674, 2023
Generalization considerations and solutions for point cloud hillslope classifiers
L Weidner, G Walton, R Kromer
Geomorphology 354, 107039, 2020
Understanding landslide movement and kinematics with airborne lidar
M Lato, M Porter, G Hensold, S McDougall, R Kromer, S Gaib
Proceedings of 69th Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference, GeoVancouver, 2016
Registration of multi-platform point clouds using edge detection for rockfall monitoring
D Bolkas, G Walton, R Kromer, T Sichler
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 175, 366-385, 2021
Applications of remote sensing techniques to managing rock slope instability risk
R Hutchinson, D.J., Lato, M., Gauthier, D., Kromer R., Ondercin M., van Veen ...
Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Quebec City, 2015
Rock slope pre-failure deformation database for improved transportation corridor risk management
RA Kromer, DJ Hutchinson, MJ Lato, A Abellán
Landslides and Engineered Slopes. Experience, Theory and Practice, 1211-1217, 2018
3D data collection for rapid rock fall response situations
M Lato, D Gauthier, P Quinn, DJ Hutchinson, R Kromer, T Edwards, ...
Proceedings of GEOQuébec 513, 2015
Rock slope monitoring and risk management for railway infrastructure in the White Canyon, British Columbia, Canada
HD Jean, L Matt, G Dave, K Ryan, O Matthew, MG Thomas, E Tom
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 2: Landslide Processes …, 2015
The role of survey design in developing rock fall frequency-magnitude relationships using Terrestrial Laser Scanning: A case study from the CN Railway at White Canyon, BC
M Van Veen, M Lato, DJ Hutchinson, RA Kromer
3rd North American symposium on Landslides, 1-10, 2017
High-Temporal-Resolution Rock Slope Monitoring Using Terrestrial Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry in an Application with Spatial Resolution Limitations
B Butcher, G Walton, R Kromer, E Gonzales, J Ticona, A Minaya
Remote Sensing 16 (1), 66, 2023
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Articles 1–20