Matt Nicholson
Cited by
Cited by
GPS tracking reveals rafting behaviour of Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus): implications for foraging ecology and conservation
MID Carter, SL Cox, KL Scales, AWJ Bicknell, MD Nicholson, KM Atkins, ...
Bird Study 63 (1), 83-95, 2016
Abundance of a cryptic generalist parasite reflects degradation of an ecosystem
JM Artim, MD Nicholson, GC Hendrick, M Brandt, TB Smith, PC Sikkel
Ecosphere 11 (10), e03268, 2020
The effects of environment and ontogeny on the skin microbiome of two Stegastes damselfishes (Pomacentridae) from the eastern Caribbean Sea
R Xavier, A Pereira, A Pagan, GC Hendrick, MD Nicholson, D Rosado, ...
Marine biology 167, 1-12, 2020
First record of Copula sivickisi (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) in the tropical western Atlantic Ocean: an enigmatic occurrence from San Salvador Island, Bahamas
CL Bennett, MD Nicholson, RB Erdman
Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on the Natural History of the Bahamas, 33-37, 2011
Fish-parasitic gnathiid isopods metamorphose following invertebrate-derived meal
MD Nicholson, JD Artim, GC Hendrick, AJ Packard, PC Sikkel
Journal of Parasitology 105 (5), 793-797, 2019
Vertical limits of host infestation by gnathiid isopods (Isopoda: Gnathiidae) parasitic on Caribbean coral reef fishes
MD Nicholson, GC Hendrick, AJ Packard, DL Strobel, C Vondriska, ...
The Journal of Crustacean Biology 40 (6), 866-871, 2020
Molecular detection of apicomplexan blood parasites of coral reef fishes from free-living stages of ectoparasitic gnathiid isopods
PC Sikkel, JA Pagan, JL Santos, GC Hendrick, MD Nicholson, R Xavier
Parasitology Research 119, 1975-1980, 2020
Stable isotope dynamics of herbivorous reef fishes and their ectoparasites
WG Jenkins, AWJ Demopoulos, MD Nicholson, PC Sikkel
Diversity 12 (11), 429, 2020
Localized defecation in territorial herbivorous fishes
MD Nicholson, PC Sikkel
Copeia 106 (3), 532-538, 2018
Functional diversity among coral reef fishes as consumers of ectoparasites
MD Nicholson, JA Pagán, GC Hendrick, PC Sikkel
Coral Reefs 43 (2), 307-317, 2024
Diel fish migration facilitates functional connectivity of coral reef and seagrass habitats via transport of ectoparasites
GC Hendrick, MD Nicholson, P Narvaez, D Sun, A Packard, AS Grutter, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 731, 249-265, 2024
Blood meal identification reveals extremely broad host range and host-bias in a temporary ectoparasite of coral reef fishes
GC Hendrick, MD Nicholson, JA Pagan, JM Artim, MC Dolan, PC Sikkel
Oecologia 203 (3), 349-360, 2023
Parental care reduces parasite-induced mortality in a coral reef fish
AS Grutter, SP Blomberg, B Duong, BE Fargher, WE Feeney, ...
Proceedings B 291 (2033), 20241966, 2024
First report of interspecific cleaning in a Pseudochromid, the dusky dottyback (Pseudochromis fuscus)
WE Feeney, RM Brooker, AS Grutter, MD Nicholson
Marine Biodiversity 53 (5), 65, 2023
Are cleaner fishes replaceable on coral reefs as consumers of fish ectoparasites?
M Nicholson, J Pagan, G Hendrick, P Sikkel
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Trophic Contributions of Ectoparasites to Coral Reef Food Webs
MD Nicholson
University of Miami, 0
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Articles 1–16