Roger Alex Clapp
Roger Alex Clapp
Professor of Geography, Simon Fraser University, retired
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Cited by
The Moral Economy of the Contract
RA Clapp
Living under contract: Contract farming and agrarian transformation in sub …, 1994
The Resource Cycle in Forestry and Fishing
RA Clapp
The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 42 (2), 129-144, 1998
Representing reciprocity, reproducing domination: Ideology and the labour process in Latin American contract farming
RA Clapp
The Journal of Peasant Studies 16 (1), 5-39, 1988
Creating competitive advantage: Forest policy as industrial policy in Chile
RA Clapp
Economic Geography 71 (3), 273-296, 1995
Is Market-oriented Forest Conservation a Contradiction in Terms?
C Crook, RA Clapp
Environmental Conservation 25 (2), 131-145, 1998
Tree farming and forest conservation in Chile: do replacement forests leave any originals behind?
RA Clapp
Society & Natural Resources 14 (4), 341-356, 2001
Wilderness ethics and political ecology: Remapping the Great Bear Rainforest
RA Clapp
Political Geography 23 (7), 839-862, 2004
Regions of refuge and the agrarian question: Peasant agriculture and plantation forestry in Chilean Araucania
RA Clapp
World Development 26 (4), 571-589, 1998
Waiting for the forest law: Resource-led development and environmental politics in Chile
RA Clapp
Latin American Research Review 33 (2), 3-36, 1998
Drowning in the magic well: Shaman Pharmaceuticals and the elusive value of traditional knowledge
RA Clapp, C Crook
The Journal of Environment & Development 11 (1), 79-102, 2002
Environmental bargaining and boundary organizations: Remapping British Columbia's great bear rainforest
J Affolderbach, RA Clapp, R Hayter
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102 (6), 1391-1408, 2012
Common Property Protected Areas: community control in forest conservation
K Kitamura, RA Clapp
Land Use Policy 34, 204-212, 2013
The Unnatural History of the Monterey Pine
RA Clapp
Geographical Review 85 (1), 1-19, 1995
Negotiating health and identity: Lay healing, medicinal plants, and indigenous healthscapes in highland Peru
CL Gold, RA Clapp
Latin American Research Review 46 (3), 93-111, 2011
Applying personal carbon trading: A proposed ‘carbon, health and savings system’ for British Columbia, Canada
LI Guzman, A Clapp
Climate Policy 17 (5), 616-633, 2017
Adversarial Science: conflict resolution and scientific review in British Columbia's central coast
RA Clapp, C Mortenson
Society & Natural Resources 24 (9), 902-916, 2011
Institutional thickening and innovation: reflections on the remapping of the Great Bear Rainforest
A Clapp, R Hayter, J Affolderbach, L Guzman
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 41 (3), 244-257, 2016
A consumer bill of rights for energy conservation
S Makonin, LG Flores, R Gill, RA Clapp, L Bartram, B Gill
2014 IEEE Canada International Humanitarian Technology Conference-(IHTC), 1-6, 2014
Towards a collaborative (public-private partnership) approach to research and development in Canada’s forest sector: an innovation system perspective
R Hayter, A Clapp
Forest policy and economics 113, 102119, 2020
The paradox of market-oriented conservation: Lessons from the tropical forests.
C Crook, RA Clapp
Nontimber Forest Products in the United States, 163-179, 2002
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Articles 1–20