João Marcelo Robazzi Bignelli Valente Aguiar
João Marcelo Robazzi Bignelli Valente Aguiar
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, IB, UNICAMP
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Cited by
Biotic versus abiotic pollination in Oeceoclades maculata (Lindl.) Lindl. (Orchidaceae)
JM Aguiar, LM Pansarin, JD Ackerman, ER Pansarin
Plant Species Biology 27 (1), 86-95, 2012
Floral biology and histochemical analysis of Vanilla edwallii Hoehne (Orchidaceae: Vanilloideae): an orchid pollinated by Epicharis (Apidae: Centridini)
ER Pansarin, JM Aguiar, LM Pansarin
Plant Species Biology 29 (3), 242-252, 2014
Can honey bees discriminate between floral-fragrance isomers?
JMRBV Aguiar, AC Roselino, M Sazima, M Giurfa
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (14), jeb180844, 2018
A new species of Vanilla (Orchidaceae: Vanilloideae) from São Paulo, Brazil
ER Pansarin, JM Aguiar, AWC Ferreira
Brittonia 64, 157-161, 2012
A cognitive analysis of deceptive pollination: associative mechanisms underlying pollinators’ choices in non-rewarding colour polymorphic scenarios
JMRBV Aguiar, M Giurfa, M Sazima
Scientific reports 10 (1), 9476, 2020
Neonicotinoid effects on tropical bees: Imidacloprid impairs innate appetitive responsiveness, learning and memory in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata
JMRBV Aguiar, RCF Nocelli, M Giurfa, FS Nascimento
Science of The Total Environment 877, 162859, 2023
Deceptive pollination of Ionopsis utricularioides (Oncidiinae: Orchidaceae)
JMRBV Aguiar, ER Pansarin
Flora 250, 72-78, 2019
A light in the shadow: the use of Lucifer Yellow technique to demonstrate nectar reabsorption
P Cardoso-Gustavson, JM Robazzi Bignelli Valente Aguiar, ...
Plant methods 9, 1-7, 2013
What pollinators see does not match what they smell: Absence of color-fragrance association in the deceptive orchid Ionopsis utricularioides
JMRBV Aguiar, G de Souza Ferreira, PA Sanches, JMS Bento, M Sazima
Phytochemistry 182, 112591, 2021
Intrafloral color modularity in a bee-pollinated orchid
JMRBV Aguiar, AA Maciel, PC Santana, FJ Telles, PJ Bergamo, ...
Frontiers in plant science 11, 589300, 2020
Biologia reprodutiva das Ionopsis Kunth (Orchidaceae) do Brasil
JMRBV Aguiar
FFCLRP 1 (1), 2014
Does Oeceoclades maculata (Orchidaceae) reabsorb nectar?
JMRBV Aguiar, ER Pansarin
European Journal of Environmental Sciences 3 (2), 2013
Ecological drivers of bee cognition: insights from stingless bees
JMRBV Aguiar, RC da Silva, M Hrncir
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 77 (12), 128, 2023
Sex and lifestyle dictate learning performance in a neotropical wasp
RC da Silva, JMRBV Aguiar, CA Oi, JE Batista, M Giurfa, ...
Iscience 26 (4), 2023
Como treinar sua abelha: métodos aplicados à biologia cognitiva da polinização
JMRBV Aguiar, FJ Telles, PJ Bergamo¹, VLG de Brito, M Sazima
Oecologia Australis 24 (1), 2020
Color-advertising strategies of invasive plants through the bee eye
M Dessart, JMRBV Aguiar, E Tabacchi, S Guillerme, M Giurfa
Frontiers in Plant Science 15, 1393204, 2024
Is floral-trait variation related to pollinisation in deceptive orchids?
JM Aguiar
Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III; Universidade estadual de Campinas …, 2019
La variation des attributs floraux est-elle liée à la pollinisation des orchidées trompeuses?
JM Aguiar
Université de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, 2019
Is floral-trait variation related to pollination in deceptive orchids?: A variação nos atributos florais está relacionada à polinização por engano em orquídeas?
JMRBV Aguiar
[sn], 2019
Deceptive pollination of Ionopsis utricularioides
JMRBV Aguiar
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Articles 1–20