Tudor I. Draganoiu
Tudor I. Draganoiu
Maître de Conférences, Université Paris Nanterre
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Directional female preference for an exaggerated male trait in canary (Serinus canaria) song
TI Drăgănoiu, L Nagle, M Kreutzer
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2002
Urban noise undermines female sexual preferences for low-frequency songs in domestic canaries
GH Des Aunay, H Slabbekoorn, L Nagle, F Passas, P Nicolas, ...
Animal Behaviour 87, 67-75, 2014
In a songbird, the black redstart, parents use acoustic cues to discriminate between their different fledglings
TI Draganoiu, L Nagle, R Musseau, M Kreutzer
Animal Behaviour 71 (5), 1039-1046, 2006
Estimating the complexity of bird song by using capture-recapture approaches from community ecology
LZ Garamszegi, TJS Balsby, BD Bell, M Borowiec, BE Byers, T Draganoiu, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57, 305-317, 2005
Studying female reproductive activities in relation to male song: the domestic canary as a model
G Leboucher, E Vallet, L Nagle, N Béguin, D Bovet, F Hallé, TI Draganoiu, ...
Advances in the Study of Behavior 44, 183-223, 2012
Parental care and brood division in a songbird, the black redstart
TI Draganoiu, L Nagle, R Musseau, M Kreutzer
Behaviour 142 (11-12), 1495-1514, 2005
Long-term effect of isolation rearing conditions on songs of an ‘open-ended’song learner species, the canary
K Lehongre, P Lenouvel, T Draganoiu, C Del Negro
Animal Behaviour 72 (6), 1319-1327, 2006
Female canaries invest more in response to an exaggerated male trait
V Garcia-Fernandez, TI Draganoiu, D Ung, A Lacroix, G Malacarne, ...
Animal behaviour 85 (3), 679-684, 2013
Negative impact of urban noise on sexual receptivity and clutch size in female domestic canaries
G Huet des Aunay, M Grenna, H Slabbekoorn, P Nicolas, L Nagle, ...
Ethology 123 (11), 843-853, 2017
Song stability and neighbour recognition in a migratory songbird, the black redstart
TI Draganoiu, A Moreau, L Ravaux, W Bonckaert, N Mathevon
Behaviour 151 (4), 435-453, 2014
Individual benefits of nestling begging: experimental evidence for an immediate effect, but no evidence for a delayed effect
CKM Lessells, K Riebel, TI Draganoiu
Biology Letters 7 (3), 336-338, 2011
Do different elements of Black redstart song have different threat values?
T Draganoiu, M Pasteau, L Nagle
Journal of Ornithology 147 (5), 158-159, 2006
Foreign–local microdialect discrimination in a songbird, the black redstart
T Volle, S Derégnaucourt, R Chambon, TI Draganoiu
Animal Behaviour 210, 113-125, 2024
Territorial responses to local and foreign songs in a micro-dialect species, the black redstart
T Volle, S Derégnaucourt, N Coron, T Draganoiu
4th International Student Course in Behavioural Biology, 2021
Age-related song repertoire changes in a songbird: the black redstart
T Volle, E Schloesing, A Cocquelet, R Chambon, M Nourdin, S Desvignes, ...
Negative impact of urban noise on sexual receptivity and clutch size in female domestic canaries.
GH Aunay, M Grenna, H Slabbekoorn, P Nicolas, L Nagle, G Leboucher, ...
L’importance des études à long-terme pour étudier l’apprentissage vocal chez les oiseaux chanteurs.
TI Draganoiu, R Chambon, A Coquelet, A Moreau, L Ravaux, ...
Colloque SFECA, 2017
Effets du bruit urbain sur les réponses sexuelles et l'investissement maternel des femelles canari domestique
TI Draganoiu, GH Des Aunay, L Nagle
Colloque de la Société Française pour l'Etude du Comportement animal, 2016
Neighbour Recognition in a Territorial Songbird: Individual Recognition or Acoustic Similarity between Rival Songs?
R Chambon, N Mathevon, E Schloesing, TI Draganoiu
Colloque Sfeca, 2016
Age-related changes in intra-sexual interactions in the black redstart Phoenicurus ochruros
GH Des Aunay, L Peckre, T Marin-Cudraz, M Mathez-Loïc, L Nagle, ...
Université Franco-allemande (UFA-DFH) Workshop'vocal communication', 2014
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Articles 1–20