Sasi Nayar
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Cited by
Environmental impact of heavy metals from dredged and resuspended sediments on phytoplankton and bacteria assessed in in situ mesocosms
S Nayar, BPL Goh, LM Chou
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 59 (3), 349-369, 2004
Current status of global cultivated seaweed production and markets
S Nayar, K Bott
World Aquaculture 45 (2), 32-37, 2014
Environmental effects of dredging on sediment nutrients, carbon and granulometry in a tropical estuary
S Nayar, DJ Miller, A Hunt, BPL Goh, LM Chou
Environmental monitoring and assessment 127, 1-13, 2007
Relative efficiencies of different filters in retaining phytoplankton for pigment and productivity studies
S Nayar, LM Chou
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 58 (2), 241-248, 2003
Polyelectrolyte flocculants in harvesting microalgal biomass for food and feed applications
L Van Haver, S Nayar
Algal Research 24, 167-180, 2017
A database of marine phytoplankton abundance, biomass and species composition in Australian waters
CH Davies, A Coughlan, G Hallegraeff, P Ajani, L Armbrecht, N Atkins, ...
Scientific data 3 (1), 1-12, 2016
Environmental Impacts of Diesel Fuel on Bacteria and Phytoplankton in a Tropical Estuary Assessed Using In Situ Mesocosms.
S Nayar, BPL Goh, LM Chou
Ecotoxicology 14, 397-412, 2005
In situ microcosms to study the impact of heavy metals resuspended by dredging on periphyton in a tropical estuary
S Nayar, BPL Goh, LM Chou, S Reddy
Aquatic Toxicology 64 (3), 293-306, 2003
Settlement of marine periphytic algae in a tropical estuary
S Nayar, BPL Goh, LM Chou
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 64 (2-3), 241-248, 2005
The Adelaide Coastal Waters Study: Final Report. Summary of Study Findings
DR Fox, GE Batley, DT Blackburn, Y Bone, S Bryars, AC Cheshire, ...
Adelaide Coastal Waters Study, 2007
The impact of petroleum hydrocarbons (diesel) on periphyton in an impacted tropical estuary based on in situ microcosms
S Nayar, BPL Goh, LM Chou
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 302 (2), 213-232, 2004
A database of chlorophyll a in Australian waters
CH Davies, P Ajani, L Armbrecht, N Atkins, ME Baird, J Beard, P Bonham, ...
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-8, 2018
Biomass, lipid productivity and fatty acid composition of fresh water microalga Rhopalosolen saccatus cultivated under phosphorous limited conditions
V Challagulla, L Fabbro, S Nayar
Algal research 8, 69-75, 2015
Advances in techniques for assessment of microalgal lipids
V Challagulla, S Nayar, K Walsh, L Fabbro
Critical reviews in biotechnology 37 (5), 566-578, 2017
Uptake and resource allocation of ammonium and nitrate in temperate seagrasses Posidonia and Amphibolis
S Nayar, GJ Collings, DJ Miller, S Bryars, AC Cheshire
Marine pollution bulletin 60 (9), 1502-1511, 2010
Dynamics in the size structure of Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve under conditions of reduced photosynthetically available radiation in a dredged tropical estuary
S Nayar, BPL Goh, LM Chou
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 318 (2), 163-182, 2005
Bloom of Noctiluca scintillans macartney in the Arabian Sea off Mangalore, southwest India
S Nayar, TRC Gupta, HV Prabhu
Asian Fisheries Science 14 (1), 77-82, 2001
Live organisms as feed in aquaculture
S Nayar, S Hegde, P Srinivas Rao, P Sudha
Infofish International, 36-48, 1998
A local upwelling controls viral and microbial community structure in South Australian continental shelf waters
JS Paterson, S Nayar, JG Mitchell, L Seuront
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 96, 197-208, 2012
A simple, inexpensive and large volume pore water sampler for sandy and muddy substrates
S Nayar, D Miller, S Bryars, AC Cheshire
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 66 (1-2), 298-302, 2006
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Articles 1–20