Jarrod Cusens
Cited by
Cited by
Latitude, productivity and species richness
LN Gillman, SD Wright, J Cusens, PD McBride, Y Malhi, RJ Whittaker
Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (1), 107-117, 2015
What is the form of the productivity–animal‐species‐richness relationship? A critical review and meta‐analysis
J Cusens, SD Wright, PD McBride, LN Gillman
Ecology 93 (10), 2241-2252, 2012
Participatory mapping reveals biocultural and nature values in the shared landscape of a Nordic UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
J Cusens, AMD Barraclough, IE Måren
People and Nature 4 (2), 365-381, 2022
Mapping stakeholder networks for the co-production of multiple ecosystem services: A novel mixed-methods approach
AD Barraclough, J Cusens, IE Måren
Ecosystem Services 56, 101461, 2022
Daytime stem swelling and seasonal reversal in the peristaltic depletion of stored water along the stem of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh
A Donnellan Barraclough, R Zweifel, J Cusens, S Leuzinger
Tree Physiology 38 (7), 965-978, 2018
Biomass and nutrient composition of temperate mangroves (Avicennia marina var. australasica) in New Zealand
P Tran, I Gritcan, J Cusens, AC Alfaro, S Leuzinger
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 51 (3), 427-442, 2017
The ‘island effect’in terrestrial global change experiments: a problem with no solution?
S Leuzinger, S Fatichi, J Cusens, C Körner, PA Niklaus
AoB Plants 7, plv092, 2015
Revisiting spatial scale in the productivity–species richness relationship: fundamental issues and global change implications
PD McBride, J Cusens, LN Gillman
AoB Plants 6, plu057, 2014
Environmental drivers of stem radius change and heterogeneity of stem radial water storage in the mangrove Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh.
AD Barraclough, J Cusens, R Zweifel, S Leuzinger
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 280, 107764, 2020
Integration matters: Combining socio-cultural and biophysical methods for mapping ecosystem service bundles
J Cusens, AD Barraclough, IE Måren
Ambio 52 (6), 1004-1021, 2023
Disentangling the net: Concomitant xylem and over-bark size measurements reveal the phloem-generated turgor signal behind daytime stem swelling in the mangrove Avicennia marina
AD Barraclough, R Zweifel, J Cusens, S Leuzinger
Functional Plant Biology 46 (5), 393-406, 2019
Socio-cultural values and biophysical supply: How do afforestation and land abandonment impact multiple ecosystem services?
J Cusens, AD Barraclough, IE Måren
Land Use Policy 136, 106967, 2024
Developing positional awareness in sustainability science: four archetypes for early career scientists working in an SDG world
J Schrage, AD Barraclough, B Wilkerson, J Cusens, J Fuller
Sustainability Science 18 (2), 1053-1058, 2023
What is the relationship between productivity and animal species richness? A critical review and meta-analysis
J Cusens
Auckland University of Technology, 2011
Engaging participatory mapping for co-management and spatial depiction of nature’s contributions to people in the Portuguese biosphere reserves
M Moreira, L Frazão, J Cusens, P Castro, AC Gouveia, AA da Silva, ...
Ecosystems and People 20 (1), 2422920, 2024
Mapping the connections: An integrated approach to mapping Nature’s contributions to people in a Nordic biosphere reserve
J Cusens
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen, 2023
Catching the swell: Daytime stem expansion and seasonal reversal in the peristaltic depletion of stored water along the stem of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh
AD Barraclough, S Leuzinger, R Zweifel, J Cusens
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10), 2018
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Articles 1–17