Dat Tran
Cited by
Cited by
Groundwater quality assessment using fuzzy-AHP in An Giang Province of Vietnam
HVT Minh, R Avtar, P Kumar, DQ Tran, TV Ty, HC Behera, M Kurasaki
Geosciences 9 (8), 330, 2019
Effects of Multi-Dike Protection Systems on Surface Water Quality in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
VTM Huynh, K Masaaki, VT Tran, T Dat Quoc, L Kieu Ngoc, M Ram, Avtar, ...
Water 11 (1010), 1-25, 2019
Modeling the Influence of river discharge and sea level rise on salinity intrusion in Mekong Delta
DQ Tran, K Likitdecharote, T Srisatit, NH Trung
Proceedings of the 1st EnvironmentAsia International Conference on …, 2011
The impact of COVID-19 on urban water consumption in the United States
M Nemati, D Tran
Water 14 (19), 3096, 2022
Long run optimization of landscape level irrigation through managed aquifer recharge or expanded surface reservoirs
D Tran, K Kovacs, S Wallander
Journal of Hydrology, 2019
Mô phỏng xâm nhập mặn Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long dưới tác động mực nước biển dâng và sự suy giảm lưu lượng từ thượng nguồn
TQ Đạt, K Likitdecharote, NH Trung
Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học cần Thơ, 141-150, 2012
Persistence in tillage decisions: Aggregate data analysis
DQ Tran, LA Kurkalova
International Soil and Water Conservation Research 7 (2), 109-118, 2019
Is the use of no-till continuous or rotational? Quantifying tillage dynamics from time-ordered spatially aggregated data
LA Kurkalova, DQ Tran
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 72 (2), 131-138, 2017
Water conservation with managed aquifer recharge under increased drought risk
DQ Tran, K Kovacs, S Wallander
Environmental Management 66 (4), 664-682, 2020
Evaluation of Long-Term SOC and Crop Productivity within Conservation Systems Using GFDL CM2.1 and EPIC
KN Le, MK Jha, J Jeong, PW Gassman, MR Reyes, L Doro, DQ Tran, ...
Sustainability 10 (8), 1-17, 2018
Spatial economic predictions of managed aquifer recharge for an agricultural landscape
D Tran, K Kovacs, G West
Agricultural Water Management 241, 2020
Nguyễn Hiếu Trung và Kanchit Likitdecharote, 2012
TQ Đạt
Mô phỏng xâm nhập mặn Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long dưới tác động của mực nước …, 2012
Dynamic modeling of bundled tillage-crop choices: impact of soil erodibility on the interactions between continuous conservation tillage and crop rotations in Iowa
DQ Tran, LA Kurkalova
2016 AAEA, 2016
Climate uncertainty and optimal groundwater augmentation
D Tran, K Kovacs
Water Resources Research, 2021
Ứng dụng mô h́nh toán thủy lực một chiều đánh giá và dự báo t́nh h́nh xâm nhập mặn trên hệ thống sông chính trên địa bàn tỉnh Trà Vinh
LM Phung, TQ Đạt, VPĐ Trí
Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học cần Thơ, 68-75, 2013
Effect of sea level rise and low flow on salinity intrusion in Mekong Delta
DQ Tran, K Likitdecharote
2010 GMSTECH: International Conference for a Sustainable Greater Mekong Sub …, 2010
Modeling Saltwater Intrusion Risk in the Presence of Uncertainty
DQ Tran, NNT Nguyen, MVT Huynh, SK Bairagi, KN Le, TV Tran, ...
Science of The Total Environment, 2023
Hydro-economic modeling of managed aquifer recharge in the lower Mississippi
AA Ali, DQ Tran, KF Kovacs, HE Dahlke
Journal of American Water Resources Association, 1-22, 2023
Disentangling gender‐differentiated impacts on food security and poverty: Empirical evidence from Vietnam
S Bairagi, AK Mishra, DQ Tran
Journal of International Development, 2021
Persistence and disadoption of sustainable agricultural practices in the Mississippi Delta region
S Pathak, H Wang, D Tran, N Adusumilli
Agronomy Journal, 2023
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Articles 1–20