Anthony Bicknell
Anthony Bicknell
University of Exeter - Research Fellow
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Potential consequences of discard reform for seabird communities
AWJ Bicknell, D Oro, K Camphuysen, SC Votier
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (3), 649-658, 2013
Camera technology for monitoring marine biodiversity and human impact
AWJ Bicknell, BJ Godley, EV Sheehan, SC Votier, MJ Witt
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (8), 424-432, 2016
A bird’s eye view of discard reforms: bird-borne cameras reveal seabird/fishery interactions
SC Votier, A Bicknell, SL Cox, KL Scales, SC Patrick
PLoS One 8 (3), e57376, 2013
Underwater noise levels in UK waters
ND Merchant, KL Brookes, RC Faulkner, AWJ Bicknell, BJ Godley, MJ Witt
Scientific reports 6 (1), 36942, 2016
High-utility conserved avian microsatellite markers enable parentage and population studies across a wide range of species
DA Dawson, AD Ball, LG Spurgin, D Martín-Gálvez, IRK Stewart, ...
Bmc Genomics 14, 1-22, 2013
Population genetic structure and long‐distance dispersal among seabird populations: Implications for colony persistence
AWJ Bicknell, ME Knight, D Bilton, JB Reid, T Burke, SC Votier
Molecular Ecology 21 (12), 2863-2876, 2012
Seabird diving behaviour reveals the functional significance of shelf-sea fronts as foraging hotspots
SL Cox, PI Miller, CB Embling, KL Scales, AWJ Bicknell, PJ Hosegood, ...
Royal Society Open Science 3 (9), 160317, 2016
Intercolony movement of pre‐breeding seabirds over oceanic scales: implications of cryptic age‐classes for conservation and metapopulation dynamics
AWJ Bicknell, ME Knight, DT Bilton, M Campbell, JB Reid, J Newton, ...
Diversity and Distributions 20 (2), 160-168, 2014
GPS tracking reveals rafting behaviour of Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus): implications for foraging ecology and conservation
MID Carter, SL Cox, KL Scales, AWJ Bicknell, MD Nicholson, KM Atkins, ...
Bird Study 63 (1), 83-95, 2016
Assessing the impact of introduced infrastructure at sea with cameras: A case study for spatial scale, time and statistical power
AWJ Bicknell, EV Sheehan, BJ Godley, PD Doherty, MJ Witt
Marine environmental research 147, 126-137, 2019
Environmental Impact Assessment: Gathering experiences from wave energy test centres in Europe
D Greaves, D Conley, D Magagna, E Aires, JC Leitão, M Witt, CB Embling, ...
International Journal of Marine Energy 14, 68-79, 2016
Effects of formalin preservation on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures in Calanoid copepods: implications for the use of Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey samples …
AWJ Bicknell, M Campbell, ME Knight, DT Bilton, J Newton, SC Votier
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25 (13), 1794-1800, 2011
Sexual segregation of gannet foraging over 11 years: movements vary but isotopic differences remain stable
BL Clark, SL Cox, KM Atkins, S Bearhop, AWJ Bicknell, TW Bodey, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 661, 1-16, 2021
Shining Light on Data-Poor Coastal Fisheries
OM Exeter, T Htut, CR Kerry, MM Kyi, M Mizrahi, RA Turner, MJ Witt, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020
A decade implementing ecosystem approach to fisheries management improves diversity of taxa and traits within a marine protected area in the UK
BFR Davies, L Holmes, A Bicknell, MJ Attrill, EV Sheehan
Diversity and Distributions 28 (1), 173-188, 2022
Identifying the provenance of Leach’s storm petrels in the North Atlantic using polychlorinated biphenyl signatures derived from comprehensive two-dimensional gas …
D Megson, TA Brown, GW Johnson, G O’Sullivan, AWJ Bicknell, SC Votier, ...
Chemosphere 114, 195-202, 2014
Novel molecular fingerprinting of marine avian diet provides a tool for gaining insights into feeding ecology
TA Brown, AWJ Bicknell, SC Votier, ST Belt
Environmental Chemistry Letters 11, 283-288, 2013
Probable predation of Leach’s Storm‐petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa eggs by St Kilda Field Mice Apodemus sylvaticus hirtensis
TWJ Bicknell, JB Reid, SC Votier
Bird Study 56 (3), 419-422, 2009
Stable isotopes reveal the importance of seabirds and marine foods in the diet of St Kilda field mice
AWJ Bicknell, BW Walker, T Black, J Newton, JM Pemberton, R Luxmoore, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 2020
Experts’ opinions on threats to Leach’s Storm-Petrels (Hydrobates leucorhous) across their global range
IL Pollet, AK Lenske, ANMA Ausems, C Barbraud, Y Bedolla-Guzmán, ...
Avian Conservation and Ecology 18 (1), 2023
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Articles 1–20