Damian Frick
Damian Frick
CTO of Seervision AG
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Embedded Optimization Methods for Industrial Automatic Control⋆
HJ Ferreau, S Almér, R Verschueren, M Diehl, D Frick, A Domahidi, ...
Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress, 2017
Embedded optimization for mixed logical dynamical systems
D Frick, A Domahidi, M Morari
Computers & Chemical Engineering 72, 21-33, 2015
Moving horizon estimation for induction motors
D Frick, A Domahidi, M Vukov, S Mariéthoz, M Diehl, M Morari
3rd IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives …, 2012
Method for determining the position of a rotor of a polyphase motor
JS Mariethoz, O Schultes, M Tanaskovic, D Frick
EP Patent EP2,924,870, 2015
Drivetrain design optimization for electrically actuated systems via Mixed Integer Programing
W Pawlus, G Hovland, M Choux, D Frick, M Morari
IECON 2015-41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2015
Low-complexity method for hybrid MPC with local guarantees
D Frick, A Georghiou, JL Jerez, A Domahidi, M Morari
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 57 (4), 2328-2361, 2019
ADMM prescaling for model predictive control
F Rey, D Frick, A Domahidi, J Jerez, M Morari, J Lygeros
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3662-3667, 2016
From Uncertainty Data to Robust Policies for Temporal Logic Planning
PG Sessa, D Frick, TA Wood, M Kamgarpour
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Hybrid Systems …, 2018
FalcOpt: First-order Algorithm via Linearization of Constraints for OPTimization
G Torrisi, D Frick, T Robbiani, S Grammatico, RS Smith, M Morari
Predictive Converter Control: Hidden Convexity and Real-Time Quadratically Constrained Optimization
S Almér, D Frick, G Torrisi, S Mariéthoz
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 29 (1), 403-410, 2020
Exploiting structure of chance constrained programs via submodularity
D Frick, PG Sessa, TA Wood, M Kamgarpour
Automatica 105, 89-95, 2019
Rotor Polarity Detection and Tracking for Slotless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
M Tanaskovic, C Zhao, F Percacci, P Gnos, S Mariethoz, D Frick
2018 IEEE 9th International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical …, 2018
Low-complexity first-order constraint linearization methods for efficient nonlinear MPC
G Torrisi, S Grammatico, D Frick, T Robbiani, RS Smith, M Morari
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4376-4381, 2017
Robust Control Policies Given Formal Specifications in Uncertain Environments
D Frick, TA Wood, G Ulli, M Kamgarpour
IEEE Control Systems Letters 1 (1), 20-25, 2017
Method and system for sensorless determination of the orientation of the rotor of an ironless PMSM motor
D Frick, S Mariéthoz, M Tanaskovic, D Lehmann
US Patent 11,296,634, 2022
An evolutionary algorithm for the block stacking problem
T Hohm, M Egli, S Gaehwiler, S Bleuler, J Feller, D Frick, R Huber, ...
International Conference on Artificial Evolution (Evolution Artificielle …, 2007
Predictive Converter Control Using Real Time Quadratically Constrained Optimization
S Almér, D Frick, G Torrisi, S Mariéthoz
2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 1289-1294, 2019
Numerical Methods for Decision-Making in Control from Hybrid Systems to Formal Specifications
D Frick
ETH Zurich, 2018
Global Illumination for the Arthros Surgical Simulator
D Frick, F Schulthess
Swiss Federal Institute of Technolog Zurich, Department of Electrical …, 2011
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