Katja Pulkkinen
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Cited by
Intensive fish farming and the evolution of pathogen virulence: the case of columnaris disease in Finland
K Pulkkinen, LR Suomalainen, AF Read, D Ebert, P Rintamäki, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1681), 593-600, 2010
Host starvation decreases parasite load and mean host size in experimental populations
K Pulkkinen, D Ebert
Ecology 85 (3), 823-833, 2004
The structure of parasite component communities in brackish water fishes of the northeastern Baltic Sea
ET Valtonen, K Pulkkinen, R Poulin, M Julkunen
Parasitology 122 (4), 471-481, 2001
The influence of bacteria-dominated diets on Daphnia magna somatic growth, reproduction, and lipid composition
SJ Taipale, MT Brett, K Pulkkinen, MJ Kainz
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 82 (1), 50-62, 2012
Environment may be the source of Flavobacterium columnare outbreaks at fish farms
HMT Kunttu, LR Sundberg, K Pulkkinen, ET Valtonen
Environmental microbiology reports 4 (4), 398-402, 2012
A three-way perspective of stoichiometric changes on host–parasite interactions
SL Aalto, E Decaestecker, K Pulkkinen
Trends in Parasitology 31 (7), 333-340, 2015
Effect of Triaenophorus crassus (Cestoda) infection on behavior and susceptibility to predation of the first intermediate host Cyclops strenuus (Copepoda)
K Pulkkinen, AF Pasternak, T Hasu, E Tellervo Valtonen
Journal of Parasitology 86 (4), 664-670, 2000
Higher resource level promotes virulence in an environmentally transmitted bacterial fish pathogen
H Kinnula, J Mappes, JK Valkonen, K Pulkkinen, LR Sundberg
Evolutionary Applications 10 (5), 462-470, 2017
Accumulation of plerocercoids of Triaenophorus crassus in the second intermediate host Coregonus lavaretus and their effect on growth of the host
K Pulkkinen, ET Valtonen
Journal of Fish Biology 55 (1), 115-126, 1999
Screening of microalgae and LED grow light spectra for effective removal of dissolved nutrients from cold-water recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) wastewater
Č Stevčić, K Pulkkinen, J Pirhonen
Algal Research 44, 101681, 2019
Filtration of Nordic recirculating aquaculture system wastewater: Effects on microalgal growth, nutrient removal, and nutritional value
ML Calderini, Č Stevčić, S Taipale, K Pulkkinen
Algal Research 60, 102486, 2021
A multilocus sequence analysis scheme for characterization of Flavobacterium columnare isolates
R Ashrafi, K Pulkkinen, LR Sundberg, N Pekkala, T Ketola
BMC microbiology 15, 1-10, 2015
Factors affecting abundance of Triaenophorus infection in Cyclops strenuus, and parasite-induced changes in host fitness
AF Pasternak, K Pulkkinen, VN Mikheev, T Hasu, ET Valtonen
International Journal for Parasitology 29 (11), 1793-1801, 1999
Application of high resolution melting assay (HRM) to study temperature-dependent intraspecific competition in a pathogenic bacterium
R Ashrafi, M Bruneaux, LR Sundberg, K Pulkkinen, T Ketola
Scientific reports 7 (1), 980, 2017
Microparasite transmission to Daphnia magna decreases in the presence of conspecifics
K Pulkkinen
Oecologia 154 (1), 45-53, 2007
Broad thermal tolerance is negatively correlated with virulence in an opportunistic bacterial pathogen
R Ashrafi, M Bruneaux, LR Sundberg, K Pulkkinen, J Valkonen, T Ketola
Evolutionary applications 11 (9), 1700-1714, 2018
The influence of food competition and host specificity on the transmission of Triaenophorus crassus (Cestoda) and Cystidicola farionis (Nematoda) to Coregonus lavaretus and …
K Pulkkinen, ET Valtonen, A Niemi, K Poikola
International Journal for Parasitology 29 (11), 1753-1763, 1999
Effect of resource availability on evolution of virulence and competition in an environmentally transmitted pathogen
K Pulkkinen, N Pekkala, R Ashrafi, DM Hämäläinen, AN Nkembeng, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 94 (5), fiy060, 2018
Suomen kalojen loiset
ET Valtonen, T Hakalahti-Sirén, A Karvonen, K Pulkkinen
Tampere: Tammerprint Oy (Gaudeamus Oy) Kalantutkimukseen ja kalastukseen …, 2012
Efficiency of Daphnia magna in removal of green microalgae cultivated in Nordic recirculating aquaculture system wastewater
Č Stevčić, K Pulkkinen, J Pirhonen
Algal Research 52, 102108, 2020
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