Ronald Kaiser
Ronald Kaiser
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Cited by
Market structures for US water quality trading
RT Woodward, RA Kaiser
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 24 (2), 366-383, 2002
The Structure and Practice of Water Quality Trading Markets 1
RT Woodward, RA Kaiser, AMB Wicks
The Economics of Water Quality, 229-241, 2019
Liability and law in recreation, parks, and sports
R Kaiser
(No Title), 1986
Texas water marketing in the next millennium: A conceptual and legal analysis
RA Kaiser
Tex. Tech L. Rev. 27, 181, 1996
Developing socio-techno-economic-political (STEP) solutions for addressing resource nexus hotspots
B Daher, RH Mohtar, EN Pistikopoulos, KE Portney, R Kaiser, W Saad
Sustainability 10 (2), 512, 2018
Wildlife administrators' perceptions of hunter access problems: a national overview
BA Wright, RA Kaiser
Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006) 14 (1), 30-35, 1986
Handbook of Texas water law: Problems and needs
R Kaiser
Texas Water Resources Institute, 2002
Collective action and social capital of wildlife management associations
MW Wagner, UP Kreuter, RA Kaiser, RN Wilkins
The Journal of wildlife management 71 (5), 1729-1738, 2007
Dividing the waters: water marketing as a conflict resolution strategy in the Edwards Aquifer Region
RA Kaiser, LM Phillips
Nat. Resources J. 38, 411, 1998
An augmented norm activation model: The case of residential outdoor water use
AC Landon, GT Kyle, RA Kaiser
Society & Natural Resources 30 (8), 903-918, 2017
Hunter access decisions by rural landowners: an east Texas example
BA Wright, RA Kaiser, JE Fletcher
Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006) 16 (2), 152-158, 1988
Rural landowner liability for recreational injuries: Myths, perceptions, and realities
BA Wright, RA Kaiser, S Nicholls
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 57 (3), 183-191, 2002
Recreational access to private land: beyond the liability hurdle
RA Kaiser, BA Wright
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 40 (6), 478-481, 1985
An assessment of the importance and performance of park impact fees in funding park and recreation infrastructure.
JE Fletcher, RA Kaiser, S Groger
Predicting compliance with an information-based residential outdoor water conservation program
AC Landon, GT Kyle, RA Kaiser
Journal of hydrology 536, 26-36, 2016
Untying the gordian knot: Negotiated strategies for protecting instream flows in Texas
RA Kaiser, S Binion
Nat. Resources J. 38, 157, 1998
The regulatory framework of reclaimed wastewater for potable reuse in the United States
R Sanchez-Flores, A Conner, RA Kaiser
Water Reuse Policies for Potable Use, 37-59, 2018
Evaluating the efficacy of an information-based residential outdoor water conservation program
AC Landon, RT Woodward, GT Kyle, RA Kaiser
Journal of cleaner production 195, 56-65, 2018
A bibliographic pathfinder on water marketing
RA Kaiser, M McFarland
Nat. Resources J. 37, 881, 1997
Spatio-temporal trends in monthly pan evaporation in Aguascalientes, Mexico
O Ruiz-Alvarez, VP Singh, J Enciso-Medina, C Munster, R Kaiser, ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 136, 775-789, 2019
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