Claudete de Fátima ruas
Claudete de Fátima ruas
Departamento de Biologia Geral, Universidade Estadual de Londrina
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Genetic relationship among 19 accessions of six species of Chenopodium L., by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA fragments (RAPD)
PM Ruas, PM Ruas, A Bonifacio, A Bonifacio, CF Ruas, CF Ruas, ...
Euphytica 105, 25-32, 1999
Genetic diversity among maize (Zea mays L.) landraces assessed by RAPD markers
VP Carvalho, CF Ruas, JM Ferreira, RMP Moreira, PM Ruas
Genetics and Molecular Biology 27, 228-236, 2004
Genetic relationship in Coffea species and parentage determination of interspecific hybrids using ISSR (Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat) markers
PM Ruas, CF Ruas, L Rampim, VP Carvalho, EA Ruas, T Sera
Genetics and molecular biology 26, 319-327, 2003
Molecular phylogenetics reveals Leontodon (Asteraceae, Lactuceae) to be diphyletic
R Samuel, W Gutermann, TF Stuessy, CF Ruas, HW Lack, ...
American Journal of Botany 93 (8), 1193-1205, 2006
Male‐specific DNA in the dioecious species Atriplex garrettii (Chenopodiaceae)
CF Ruas, DJ Fairbanks, RP Evans, HC Stutz, WR Andersen, PM Ruas
American Journal of Botany 85 (2), 162-167, 1998
Chromosome studies in some Stevia. Cav.(Compositae) species from Southern Brazil
AP Frederico, PM Ruas, MA Marin-Morales, CF Ruas, JN Nakajima
Brazilian Journal of Genetics 19, 605-609, 1996
Genetic diversity, population structure and genetic parameters of fruit traits in Capsicum chinense
AFP Moreira, PM Ruas, C de Fátima Ruas, VY Baba, W Giordani, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 236, 1-9, 2018
Phylogeography of the invasive weed Hypochaeris radicata (Asteraceae): from Moroccan origin to worldwide introduced populations
MÁ Ortiz, K Tremetsberger, A Terrab, TF Stuessy, JL García‐Castaño, ...
Molecular Ecology 17 (16), 3654-3667, 2008
Uso de marcadores moleculares na análise da variabilidade genética em acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC)
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 24, 15-22, 2002
Characterization of Diploid, Tetraploid and Hexaploid Helianthus Species by Chromosome Banding and FISH with 45S rDNA Probe
ALL Vanzela, CF Ruas, MF Oliveira, PM Ruas
Genetica 114, 105-111, 2002
Comparative analysis of genetic diversity among the maize inbred lines (Zea mays L.) obtained by RAPD and SSR markers
SGH Souza, V Carpentieri-Pípolo, CF Ruas, VP Carvalho, PM Ruas, ...
Brazilian archives of biology and technology 51, 183-192, 2008
Cytogenetics of genus Vernonia Schreber (Compositae)
R PM, CF Ruas, AOS Vieira, M NI, NS Martins
Cytologia 56 (2), 239-247, 1991
Assessment of genetic variability within and among coffee progenies and cultivars using RAPD markers
SR Silveira, PM Ruas, CF Ruas, T Sera, VP Carvalho, ASG Coelho
Genetics and Molecular Biology 26, 329-336, 2003
AFLP phylogeny of South American species of Hypochaeris (Asteraceae, Lactuceae)
K Tremetsberger, TF Stuessy, G Kadlec, E Urtubey, CM Baeza, SG Beck, ...
Systematic Botany 31 (3), 610-626, 2006
Genetic variability of pre and post-fragmentation cohorts of Aspidosperma polyneuron Muell. Arg.(Apocynaceae)
JMD Torezan, RF Souza, PM Ruas, CF Ruas, EH Camargo, ALL Vanzela
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 48, 171-180, 2005
Genetic variability in Brazilian Capsicum baccatum germplasm collection assessed by morphological fruit traits and AFLP markers
R Cardoso, CF Ruas, RM Giacomin, PM Ruas, EA Ruas, RL Barbieri, ...
PloS one 13 (5), e0196468, 2018
Genetic patterns and pollination in Ophrys iricolor and O. mesaritica (Orchidaceae): sympatric evolution by pollinator shift
PM Schlueter, PM Ruas, G Kohl, CF Ruas, TF Stuessy, HF Paulus
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 159 (4), 583-598, 2009
Genetic structure of Fusarium verticillioides populations and occurrence of fumonisins in maize grown in Southern Brazil
JJ Silva, HP Viaro, LS Ferranti, ALM Oliveira, JM Ferreira, CF Ruas, ...
Crop protection 99, 160-167, 2017
Genetic polymorphism among 14 elite Coffea arabica L. cultivars using RAPD markers associated with restriction digestion
T Sera, PM Ruas, CF Ruas, LEC Diniz, VP Carvalho, L Rampim, EA Ruas, ...
Genetics and Molecular Biology 26, 59-64, 2003
Efficient characterization of biological diversity using field DNA extraction and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers.
DJ Fairbanks, A Waldrigues, CF Ruas, PM Ruas, PJ Maughan, ...
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Articles 1–20