Lennart Kappelmann
Lennart Kappelmann
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Recurring patterns in bacterioplankton dynamics during coastal spring algae blooms
H Teeling, BM Fuchs, CM Bennke, K Krüger, M Chafee, L Kappelmann, ...
elife 5, e11888, 2016
Polysaccharide utilization loci of North Sea Flavobacteriia as basis for using SusC/D-protein expression for predicting major phytoplankton glycans
L Kappelmann, K Krüger, JH Hehemann, J Harder, S Markert, F Unfried, ...
The ISME journal 13 (1), 76-91, 2019
Adaptive mechanisms that provide competitive advantages to marine bacteroidetes during microalgal blooms
F Unfried, S Becker, CS Robb, JH Hehemann, S Markert, SE Heiden, ...
The ISME journal 12 (12), 2894-2906, 2018
Polysaccharide utilisation loci of Bacteroidetes from two contrasting open ocean sites in the North Atlantic
CM Bennke, K Krüger, L Kappelmann, S Huang, A Gobet, M Schüler, ...
Environmental Microbiology 18 (12), 4456-4470, 2016
Alpha‐ and beta‐mannan utilization by marine Bacteroidetes
J Chen, CS Robb, F Unfried, L Kappelmann, S Markert, T Song, J Harder, ...
Environmental microbiology 20 (11), 4127-4140, 2018
others. 2016. Recurring patterns in bacterioplankton dynamics during coastal spring algae blooms
H Teeling, BM Fuchs, CM Bennke, K Krüger, M Chafee, L Kappelmann
Elife 5, e11888, 0
(Meta-) genomic analysis of the diversity and the carbohydrate degradation potential of the SAR92 clade during a diatom-induced bacterioplankton bloom
L Kappelmann
University of Bremen Bremen/Germany, 2013
Genomic Analyses of Polysaccharide Utilization in Marine Flavobacteriia
L Kappelmann
Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, 2018
Oligotyping and metagenome analyses reveal a high-resolution recurrence that frames potential ecological strategies of North Sea bacterioplankton
M Chafee, K Krueger, L Kappelmann, J Waldmann, G Reintjes, J Lucas, ...
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Articles 1–9