Ulf Gärdenfors
Ulf Gärdenfors
Professor i naturvårdsbiologi, stf chef, ArtDatabanken
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Rödlistade arter i Sverige 2005
U Gärdenfors
ArtDatabanken i samarbete med Naturvårdsverket, 2005
The application of IUCN Red List criteria at regional levels
U Gärdenfors, C Hilton‐Taylor, GM Mace, JP Rodríguez
Conservation biology 15 (5), 1206-1212, 2001
Classifying threatened species at national versus global levels
U Gärdenfors
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 16 (9), 511-516, 2001
National threatened species listing based on IUCN criteria and regional guidelines: current status and future perspectives
RM Miller, JP Rodríguez, T ANISKOWICZ‐FOWLER, C Bambaradeniya, ...
Conservation biology 21 (3), 684-696, 2007
Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges flora och fauna: Fjärilar. Dagfjärilar:(Hesperiidae-Nymphalidae)
CU Eliasson, N Ryrholm, U Gärdenfors
ArtDatabanken, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2005
Clarifying misconceptions of extinction risk assessment with the IUCN Red List
B Collen, NK Dulvy, KJ Gaston, U Gärdenfors, DA Keith, AE Punt, ...
Biology letters 12 (4), 20150843, 2016
Habitat preferences of red-listed fungi and bryophytes in woodland key habitats in southern Sweden–analyses of data from a national survey
Å Berg, U Gärdenfors, T Hallingbäck, M Norén
Biodiversity & Conservation 11, 1479-1503, 2002
Extinction risk and conservation priorities
RM Miller, JP Rodríguez, T Aniskowicz-Fowler, C Bambaradeniya, ...
Science 313 (5786), 441-441, 2006
Taxonomic and biological revision of Palearctic Ephedrus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Aphidiinae)
U Gardenfors
Entomologica scandinavica. Supplementum 27, 1986
Draft guidelines for the application of IUCN Red List criteria at national and regional levels
U Gärdenfors, JP Rodríguez, C Hilton-Taylor, C Hyslop, G Mace, S Molur, ...
Species 31 (32), 58-70, 1999
Rödlistade evertebrater i Sverige 1993
B Ehnström, Å Lindelöw, U Gärdenfors
Databanken för hotade arter, 1993
Rodlistade arter i Sverige 2000 (The 2000 Red List of Swedish Species)
U Gardenfors
ArtDatabanken, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, 2000
The phylogenetic analysis of variable-length sequence data: elongation factor–1α introns in European populations of the parasitoid wasp genus Pauesia (Hymenoptera: Braconidae …
A Sanchis, JM Michelena, A Latorre, DLJ Quicke, U Gärdenfors, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 18 (6), 1117-1131, 2001
Tillstånd och trender för arter och deras livsmiljöer–rödlistade arter i Sverige 2015
K Ahrné, M Aronsson, H Berglund, U Bjelke, A Dahlberg, W Eide, ...
ArtDatabanken Rapporterar, 2015
Effects of soil acidification on forest land snails
U Gärdenfors, HW Waldén, I Wäreborn
Ecological Bulletins, 259-270, 1995
Logistic regression models for predicting occurrence of terrestrial molluscs in southern Sweden–importance of environmental data quality and model complexity
Å Berg, U Gärdenfors, T Von Proschwitz
Ecography 27 (1), 83-93, 2004
Effects of artificial liming on land snail populations
U Gardenfors
Journal of applied Ecology, 50-54, 1992
Application of IUCN red listing criteria at the regional and national levels: a case study from Central Asia
EJ Milner-Gulland, E Kreuzberg-Mukhina, B Grebot, S Ling, E Bykova, ...
Biodiversity & Conservation 15, 1873-1886, 2006
The use of historical collections to estimate population trends: a case study using Swedish longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
T Jeppsson, A Lindhe, U Gärdenfors, P Forslund
Biological conservation 143 (9), 1940-1950, 2010
Completing Linnaeus’s inventory of the Swedish insect fauna: Only 5,000 species left?
F Ronquist, M Forshage, S Häggqvist, D Karlsson, R Hovmöller, ...
PloS one 15 (3), e0228561, 2020
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Articles 1–20