Kenneth E. Wallen
Cited by
Cited by
Potential bias in pan trapping as a function of floral abundance
KA Baum, KE Wallen
Journal of the Kansas entomological society 84 (2), 155-159, 2011
The challenge and opportunity of behaviour change methods and frameworks to reduce demand for illegal wildlife
KE Wallen, E Daut
Nature Conservation 26, 55-75, 2018
Values, motivations, and intentions to engage in proenvironmental behavior
CJ Van Riper, C Lum, GT Kyle, KE Wallen, J Absher, AC Landon
Environment and Behavior 52 (4), 437-462, 2018
The antecedents of place attachment in the context of an Australian national park
CJ Van Riper, JI Yoon, GT Kyle, KE Wallen, AC Landon, C Raymond
Journal of Environmental Psychology 61, 1-9, 2019
Mode effect and response rate issues in mixed-mode survey research: Implications for recreational fisheries management
KE Wallen, AC Landon, GT Kyle, MA Schuett, J Leitz, K Kurzawski
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36 (4), 852-863, 2016
Social norms: More details, please
KE Wallen, CL Romulo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (27), E5283-E5284, 2017
Modeling the trust-risk relationship in a wildland recreation setting: A social exchange perspective
CJ Van Riper, KE Wallen, AC Landon, MA Petriello, GT Kyle, J Absher
Journal of outdoor recreation and tourism 13, 23-33, 2016
The efficacy of message frames on recreational boaters’ aquatic invasive species mitigation behavioral intentions
KE Wallen, GT Kyle
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23 (4), 297-312, 2018
Systematic map of conservation psychology
KE Wallen, AC Landon
Conservation Biology 34 (6), 1339-1352, 2020
Tools for assessing the psychometric adequacy of latent variables in conservation research
G Kyle, A Landon, J Vaske, KE Wallen
Conservation Biology 34 (6), 1353-1363, 2020
The American West as a social-ecological region: drivers, dynamics and implications for nested social-ecological systems
K Jones, J Abrams, RT Belote, BJ Beltrán, J Brandt, N Carter, AJ Castro, ...
Environmental Research Letters 14 (11), 115008, 2019
Accounting for gender in a study of the motivation-involvement relationship
E Morris, CJ Van Riper, GT Kyle, KE Wallen, J Absher
Leisure Sciences 40 (6), 494-507, 2018
Balancing waterfowl hunting opportunity and quality to recruit, retain, and reactivate
ML Schummer, J Simpson, JB Davis, B Shirkey, KE Wallen
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 1-5, 2020
Place-based motivations and normative beliefs predict pro-environmental behavior across involvement profiles
DN Johnson, NJ Shipley, CJ van Riper, GT Kyle, KE Wallen, A Landon, ...
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 35, 100377, 2021
Introduction: New directions in conservation psychology at a critical time.
AM Dietsch, KE Wallen, S Clayton, HE Kretser, GT Kyle, Z Ma, ...
Conservation Biology 34 (6), 2020
Integrative reflections on the new conservation science debate
MA Petriello, KE Wallen
Biodiversity and Conservation 24, 1549-1551, 2015
Integrating team science into interdisciplinary graduate education: an exploration of the SESYNC Graduate Pursuit
KE Wallen, K Filbee-Dexter, JB Pittman, SM Posner, SM Alexander, ...
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 9, 218-233, 2019
Social norms and persuasion
JM Nolan, KE Wallen
Cambridge handbook on compliance, 404-422, 2021
Systematic Map of Human–Raptor Interaction and Coexistence Research
AC Canney, LM McGough, NA Bickford, KE Wallen
Animals 12 (1), 45, 2022
Focusing on structure and process to integrate and mainstream the social sciences in conservation
KE Wallen
Conservation Biology 31, 1-3, 2017
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Articles 1–20