Jin Young Chung
Jin Young Chung
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Information needs in online social networks
JY Chung, D Buhalis
Information technology & tourism 10 (4), 267-281, 2008
Web 2.0: A study of online travel community
JY Chung, D Buhalis
Information and communication technologies in tourism 2008, 70-81, 2008
Fairness of prices, user fee policy and willingness to pay among visitors to a national forest
JY Chung, GT Kyle, JF Petrick, JD Absher
Tourism Management 32 (5), 1038-1046, 2011
The impact of low cost carriers on Korean Island tourism
JY Chung, T Whang
Journal of Transport Geography 19 (6), 1335-1340, 2011
Justice in the US National Park Service: The antecedents of job satisfaction
JY Chung, CS Jung, GT Kyle, JF Petrick
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 28 (3), 2010
Effects of Environmentally Friendly Perceptions on Customers' Intentions to Visit Environmentally Friendly Restaurants: An Extended Theory of Planned Behavior
SY Jang, JY Chung, YG Kim
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 20 (6), 599-618, 2015
Price fairness of airline ancillary fees: an attributional approach
JY Chung, JF Petrick
Journal of Travel Research, 0047287512457261, 2013
Seasonality in tourism: A review.
JY Chung
E-review of Tourism Research 7 (5), 2009
Slow-food-seeking behaviour, authentic experience, and perceived slow value of a slow-life festival
JY Chung, JS Kim, CK Lee, MJ Kim
Current Issues in Tourism 21 (2), 123-127, 2018
Measuring price fairness: Development of a multidimensional scale
JY Chung, JF Petrick
Journal of travel & tourism marketing 32 (7), 907-922, 2015
Bleisure tourism experience chain: implications for destination marketing
JY Chung, YK Choi, BK Yoo, SH Kim
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 25 (3), 300-310, 2020
The role of perceived behavioural control in the constraint-negotiation process: The case of solo travel
JY Chung, HJ Baik, CK Lee
Leisure Studies 36 (4), 481-492, 2017
Cross-strait tourism and generational cohorts
JY Chung, CC Chen, YH Lin
Journal of Travel Research 55 (6), 813-826, 2016
The impact of country and destination images on destination loyalty: a construal-level-theory perspective
JY Chung, CC Chen
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 23 (1), 56-67, 2018
Measuring attribute-specific and overall satisfaction with destination experience
JY Chung, JF Petrick
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 18 (5), 409-420, 2013
An analysis of adopting dual pricing for museums: The case of the national museum of Iran
M Sharifi-Tehrani, M Verbič, JY Chung
Annals of Tourism Research 43, 58-80, 2013
Destination familiarity and favorability in a country-image context: Examining Taiwanese travelers’ perceptions of China
CC Chen, JY Chung, J Gao, YH Lin
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 34 (9), 1211-1223, 2017
A study of online travel community and Web 2.0: Factors affecting participation and attitude
JY Chung, D Buhalis
Proceedings Enter2008, 267-278, 2008
Online friendships in a hospitality exchange network: a sharing economy perspective
JY Chung
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 29 (12), 3177-3190, 2017
Doctoral students' research productivity: An analysis of publications in tourism and hospitality journals.
JY Chung, J Petrick
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education (Oxford Brookes …, 2011
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Articles 1–20