G.-H. Lim
G.-H. Lim
Seoul National Univertiy
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Relationship between cyclone tracks, anticyclone tracks and baroclinic waveguides
JM Wallace, GH Lim, ML Blackmon
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 45 (3), 439-462, 1988
Recent trends in temperature and precipitation over South Korea
HS Jung, Y Choi, JH Oh, GH Lim
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2002
A possible impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the east Asian summer monsoon precipitation
MK Sung, WT Kwon, HJ Baek, KO Boo, GH Lim, JS Kug
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (21), 2006
Impact of MJO on the diurnal cycle of rainfall over the western Maritime Continent in the austral summer
JH Oh, KY Kim, GH Lim
Climate dynamics 38, 1167-1180, 2012
Structure and evolution of baroclinic waves as inferred from regression analysis
GH Lim, JM Wallace
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 48 (15), 1718-1732, 1991
Acute ophthalmoplegia (without ataxia) associated with anti-GQ1b antibody
SH Lee, GH Lim, JS Kim, SY Oh, JK Kim, JK Cha, CH Yun, JK Kang, ...
Neurology 71 (6), 426-429, 2008
Stratospheric origin of cold surge occurrence in East Asia
JH Jeong, BM Kim, CH Ho, D Chen, GH Lim
Geophysical research letters 33 (14), 2006
Decadal changes in surface air temperature variability and cold surge characteristics over northeast Asia and their relation with the Arctic Oscillation for the past three …
SH Woo, BM Kim, JH Jeong, SJ Kim, GH Lim
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D18), 2012
Interpretation of the transient variations in the time series of precipitation amounts in Seoul, Korea. Part I: Diurnal variation
HS Jung, GH Lim, JH Oh
Journal of Climate 14 (13), 2989-3004, 2001
A new look at the midlatitude–MJO teleconnection in the Northern Hemisphere winter
BM Kim, GH Lim, KY Kim
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2006
Comparison of precipitable water derived from ground-based GPS measurements with radiosonde observations over the Korean Peninsula
HT Kwon, T Iwabuchi, GH Lim
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 85 (6), 733-746, 2007
Influence of the East Asian winter monsoon on the storm track activity over the North Pacific
YY Lee, GH Lim, JS Kug
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D9), 2010
Variational assimilation of slant-path wet delay measurements from a hypothetical ground-based GPS network. Part I: Comparison with precipitable water assimilation
SY Ha, YH Kuo, YR Guo, GH Lim
Monthly Weather Review 131 (11), 2635-2655, 2003
Differences between the spring and autumn circulation of the Northern Hemisphere
EL Fleming, GH Lim, JM Wallace
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 44 (9), 1266-1286, 1987
The impact of the diurnal cycle on the MJO over the Maritime Continent: A modeling study assimilating TRMM rain rate into global analysis
JH Oh, BM Kim, KY Kim, HJ Song, GH Lim
Climate dynamics 40, 893-911, 2013
Climate change over Korea and its relation to the forest fire occurrence
MK Sung, GH Lim, EH Choi, YY Lee, MS Won, KS Koo
Atmosphere 20 (1), 27-35, 2010
Phase asymmetric downstream development of the North Atlantic Oscillation and its impact on the East Asian winter monsoon
MK Sung, GH Lim, JS Kug
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D9), 2010
Short‐term variation of Eurasian pattern and its relation to winter weather over East Asia
MK Sung, GH Lim, WT Kwon, KO Boo, JS Kug
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2009
The central Pacific as the export region of the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation sea surface temperature anomaly to Antarctic sea ice
HJ Song, E Choi, GH Lim, YH Kim, JS Kug, SW Yeh
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D21), 2011
Dependency of the North Pacific winter storm tracks on the zonal distribution of MJO convection
YY Lee, GH Lim
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D14), 2012
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Articles 1–20