Geert Aarts
Geert Aarts
Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen Marine Research
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Rapid population decline in red knots: fitness consequences of decreased refuelling rates and late arrival in Delaware Bay
AJ Baker, PM Gonzalez, T Piersma, LJ Niles, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Estimating space‐use and habitat preference from wildlife telemetry data
G Aarts, M MacKenzie, B McConnell, M Fedak, J Matthiopoulos
Ecography 31 (1), 140-160, 2008
Comparative interpretation of count, presence–absence and point methods for species distribution models
G Aarts, J Fieberg, J Matthiopoulos
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (1), 177-187, 2012
Generalized functional responses for species distributions
J Matthiopoulos, M Hebblewhite, G Aarts, J Fieberg
Ecology 92 (3), 583-589, 2011
Establishing the link between habitat selection and animal population dynamics
J Matthiopoulos, J Fieberg, G Aarts, HL Beyer, JM Morales, DT Haydon
Ecological Monographs 85 (3), 413-436, 2015
Marine mammals trace anthropogenic structures at sea
DJF Russell, SMJM Brasseur, D Thompson, GD Hastie, VM Janik, G Aarts, ...
Current Biology 24 (14), R638-R639, 2014
Forage fish, their fisheries, and their predators: who drives whom?
GH Engelhard, MA Peck, A Rindorf, S C. Smout, M Van Deurs, K Raab, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (1), 90-104, 2014
Seasonal habitat‐based density models for a marine top predator, the harbor porpoise, in a dynamic environment
A Gilles, S Viquerat, EA Becker, KA Forney, SCV Geelhoed, J Haelters, ...
Ecosphere 7 (6), e01367, 2016
Quantifying the effect of habitat availability on species distributions
G Aarts, J Fieberg, S Brasseur, J Matthiopoulos
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (6), 1135-1145, 2013
Rapid recovery of Dutch gray seal colonies fueled by immigration
SMJM Brasseur, TD van Polanen Petel, T Gerrodette, EHWG Meesters, ...
Marine Mammal Science 31 (2), 405-426, 2015
Comprehensive discard reconstruction and abundance estimation using flexible selectivity functions
G Aarts, JJ Poos
ICES Journal of Marine Science 66 (4), 763-771, 2009
Using aerial surveys to estimate density and distribution of harbour porpoises in Dutch waters
M Scheidat, H Verdaat, G Aarts
Journal of Sea Research 69, 1-7, 2012
Advancing our thinking in presence‐only and used‐available analysis
D Warton, G Aarts
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (6), 1125-1134, 2013
Residence time and behaviour of sole and cod in the Offshore Wind farm Egmond aan Zee (OWEZ)
HV Winter, GM Aarts, OA Van Keeken
IMARES, 2010
Species-Habitat Associations: Spatial data, predictive models, and ecological insights
J Matthiopoulos, JR Fieberg, G Aarts
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, 2023
The role of environmental variables in structuring landscape‐scale species distributions in seafloor habitats
C Kraan, G Aarts, J Van Der Meer, T Piersma
Ecology 91 (6), 1583-1590, 2010
Ecosystem-based management objectives for the North Sea: riding the forage fish rollercoaster
M Dickey-Collas, GH Engelhard, A Rindorf, K Raab, S Smout, G Aarts, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (1), 128-142, 2014
Assessing the impact of underwater clearance of unexploded ordnance on harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Southern North Sea
AM von Benda-Beckmann, G Aarts, HÖ Sertlek, K Lucke, WC Verboom, ...
Aquatic Mammals 41 (4), 503, 2015
The influence of topographic and dynamic cyclic variables on the distribution of small cetaceans in a shallow coastal system
MN de Boer, MP Simmonds, PJH Reijnders, G Aarts
PLoS One 9 (1), e86331, 2014
Abundance of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) on the Dutch Continental Shelf, aerial surveys in July 2010-March 2011
SCV Geelhoed, M Scheidat, RSA van Bemmelen, G Aarts
Lutra 56 (1), 45-57, 2013
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Articles 1–20