Veronique Theriault
Veronique Theriault
Associate Professor, Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University
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Cited by
How does gender affect sustainable intensification of cereal production in the West African Sahel? Evidence from Burkina Faso
V Theriault, M Smale, H Haider
World Development 92, 177-191, 2017
Farm family effects of adopting improved and hybrid sorghum seed in the Sudan Savanna of West Africa
M Smale, A Assima, A Kergna, V Thériault, E Weltzien
Food policy 74, 162-171, 2018
A conceptual framework for promoting inclusive agricultural value chains
S Haggblade, V Theriault, J Staatz, N Dembele, B Diallo
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), mimeo (online document), 2012
Institutional environment and technical efficiency: A stochastic frontier analysis of cotton producers in West Africa
V Theriault, R Serra
Journal of Agricultural Economics 65 (2), 383-405, 2014
Intensification and intrahousehold decisions: Fertilizer adoption in Burkina Faso
H Haider, M Smale, V Theriault
World development 105, 310-320, 2018
COVID-19's impacts on incomes and food consumption in urban and rural areas are surprisingly similar: Evidence from five African countries
MK Maredia, A Adenikinju, B Belton, A Chapoto, NF Faye, ...
Global food security 33, 100633, 2022
Economic incentives to use fertilizer on maize under differing agro-ecological conditions in Burkina Faso
V Theriault, M Smale, H Haider
Food Security 10, 1263-1277, 2018
Causes and consequences of increasing herbicide use in Mali
S Haggblade, M Smale, A Kergna, V Theriault, A Assima
The European Journal of Development Research 29, 648-674, 2017
How institutions mediate the impact of cash cropping on food crop intensification: An application to cotton in Sub-Saharan Africa
V Theriault, DL Tschirley
World Development 64, 298-310, 2014
The unintended consequences of the fertilizer subsidy program on crop species diversity in Mali
V Theriault, M Smale
Food Policy 102, 102121, 2021
The Malian fertiliser value chain post-subsidy: an analysis of its structure and performance
V Thériault, M Smale, A Assima
Development in Practice 28 (2), 242-256, 2018
Prices, institutions, and determinants of supply in the Malian cotton sector
V Theriault, R Serra, JA Sterns
Agricultural Economics 44 (2), 161-174, 2013
Nutritional implications of dietary patterns in Mali
M Smale, V Theriault, R Vroegindewey
African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 15 (3), 177-193, 2020
Adoption of new sorghum varieties in Mali through a participatory approach
M Sissoko, M Smale, A Castiaux, V Theriault
Sustainability 11 (17), 4780, 2019
Retailing of processed dairy and grain products in Mali: Evidence from a city retail outlet inventory
V Theriault, R Vroegindewey, A Assima, N Keita
Urban Science 2 (1), 24, 2018
Coordinating cereal farmers and buyers: evidence from Mali
R Vroegindewey, V Theriault, J Staatz
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 8 (2), 234-255, 2018
Consumer and retailer preferences for local ingredients in processed foods: Evidence from a stacked choice experiment in an African urban dairy market
R Vroegindewey, RB Richardson, DL Ortega, V Theriault
Food Policy 103, 102106, 2021
The evolution of institutions in the Malian cotton sector: An application of John R. Commons's ideas
V Theriault, JA Sterns
Journal of Economic Issues 46 (4), 941-966, 2012
Does subsidizing fertilizer contribute to the diet quality of farm women? Evidence from rural Mali
M Smale, V Thériault, NM Mason
Food Security 12 (6), 1407-1424, 2020
Intrahousehold productivity differentials and land quality in the Sudan Savanna of Mali
M Smale, V Theriault, H Haider
Land Economics 95 (1), 54-70, 2019
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Articles 1–20