Zhen Yu 余振
Cited by
Cited by
Sustainability transitions and leapfrogging in latecomer cities: the development of solar thermal energy in Dezhou, China
Z Yu, D Gibbs
Regional Studies 52 (1), 68-79, 2018
A data-driven global innovation system approach and the rise of China’s artificial intelligence industry
Z Yu, Z Liang, L Xue
Regional Studies 56 (4), 619-629, 2022
Catch-up dynamics in early industry lifecycle stages—a typology and comparative case studies in four clean-tech industries
C Binz, J Gosens, XS Yap, Z Yu
Industrial and Corporate Change 29 (5), 1257-1275, 2020
Unravelling the role of green entrepreneurs in urban sustainability transitions: A case study of China’s Solar City
Z Yu, D Gibbs
Ubran Studies 57 (4), 2901-2917, 2020
Local governments’ incentives and governing practices in low-carbon transition: A comparative study of solar water heater governance in four Chinese cities
Z Yu, P Huang
Cities 96, 1-9, 2020
How data shape actor relations in artificial intelligence innovation systems: an empirical observation from China
Z Yu, Z Liang, P Wu
Industrial and corporate change 30 (1), 251-267, 2021
Encircling cities from rural areas? Barriers to the diffusion of solar water heaters in China's urban market
Z Yu, D Gibbs
Energy Policy 115, 366-373, 2018
Social ties, homophily and heterophily in urban sustainability transitions: User practices and solar water heater diffusion in China
Z Yu, D Gibbs
Energy research & social science 46, 236-244, 2018
Beating the Casino: Conceptualizing an Anchoring-based Third Route to Regional Development
H Gong, Z Yu, C Binz, B Truffer
Economic Geography 100 (2), 107-137, 2024
可持续性转型地理研究综述与展望/Geography of sustainability transitions: A sympathetic critique and research agenda
余振, 龚惠文, 胡晓辉
地理科学进展 40 (3), 498-510, 2021
Technological trajectories as an outcome of the structure-agency interplay at the national level: Insights from emerging varieties of AI
C Gherhes, Z Yu, T Vorley, L Xue
World Development 168, 106252, 2023
Aligning industry interests with urban priorities to foster energy transitions: insights from two Chinese cities
P Huang, Z Yu
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 14 (2), 341–359, 2021
China's National and Regional Innovation Systems
L Xue, D Li, Z Yu
The Oxford Handbook of China Innovation, 2021
Differentiated knowledge bases and catch-up in creative industries–A case of the online game industry in China
H Gong, Z Yu, R Hassink
Geoforum 141, 103730, 2023
Digitalization, trust, and sustainability transitions: Insights from two blockchain-based green experiments in China's electricity sector
Y Chen, Z Yu
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 50, 100801, 2024
人工智能应用背景下的平台治理: 核心议题, 转型挑战与体系构建
梁正, 余振, 宋琦
经济社会体制比较, 67-75, 2020
Elite Universities in China
L Xue, Z Yu, Z Zhong
The Oxford Handbook of Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, 2023
Green industry development and urban sustainability transitions in China’s latecomer cities: the case of Dezhou
Z Yu, D Gibbs
Handbook on China’s Urban Environmental Governance, 355-368, 2023
绿色机会窗口与后发城市可持续性转型./ Green windows of opportunity and sustainability transitions in latecomer cities
余振, 黄平, 龚惠文
China Population Resources & Environment 32 (6), 2022
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Articles 1–19