Ruben Rodriguez-Sanchez
Ruben Rodriguez-Sanchez
Instituto Politécnico Nacional, IPN - Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas, CICIMAR
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Living with uncertainty: genetic imprints of climate shifts in East Pacific anchovy (Engraulis mordax) and sardine (Sardinops sagax)
F Lecomte, WS Grant, JJ Dodson, R RODRÍGUEZ‐SÁNCHEZ, BW Bowen
Molecular Ecology 13 (8), 2169-2182, 2004
Trophic dynamics.
CD Van-der-Lingen, A Bertrand, A Bode, R Brodeur, L Cubillos, ...
Centro Oceanográfico de A Coruña, 2009
Dynamic geography of small pelagic fish populations in the California Current System on the regime time scale (1931 1997)
R Rodríguez-Sánchez, D Lluch-Belda, H Villalobos, S Ortega-García
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59 (12), 1980-1988, 2002
Age and growth of the sailfish Istiophorus platypterus (Istiophoridae) in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico
G Cerdenares-Ladrón De Guevara, E Morales-Bojórquez, ...
Marine Biology Research 7 (5), 488-499, 2011
El Golfo de Tehuantepec como un centro de actividad biológica y su importancia en las pesquerías
S Ortega-García, JA Trigueros-Salmerón, R Rodríguez-Sanchéz, ...
BAC: Centro de Actividades Biológicas del Pacífico Mexicano (Lluch-Belda D …, 2000
Large-scale long-term variability of small pelagic fish in the California Current System
R Rodríguez-Sánchez, D Lluch-Belda, H Villalobos, S Ortega-García
Spatial Processes and Management of Fish Populations. University of Alaska …, 2001
Some biological aspects of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the recreational fishery at Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico
S Ortega-García, A Klett-Traulsen, R Rodríguez-Sánchez
Bulletin of Marine Science 79 (3), 739-746, 2006
Pattern of increase in gill raker number of the California sardine
H Villalobos, R Rodriguez‐Sánchez
Journal of fish biology 60 (1), 256-259, 2002
Pesquería de pelágicos menores (sardinas y anchovetas)
RR Sánchez, SH Vazquez, DL Belda, RF Uraga, SO García, AV Arce, ...
Estudio del potencial pesquero y acuícola de Baja California Sur, 317, 1996
Age, growth, and length-weight relationship of roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis) in the eastern Pacific Ocean
S Ortega-Garcia, C Sepulveda, S Aalbers, U Jakes-Cota, ...
Fishery bulletin 115 (1), 117-124, 2017
Dolphinfish movements in the Eastern Pacific Ocean of Mexico using conventional and electronic tags
CR Perle, S Snyder, W Merten, M Simmons, J Dacey, ...
Animal Biotelemetry 8, 1-15, 2020
Pesquería de atun
S Ortega, AV Arce, RR Sánchez
Estudio del potencial pesquero y acuícola de Baja California Sur 1, 358-388, 1996
Costas de México: Auxiliar para geo-referir localidades costeras en la República Mexicana
G De la Cruz-Agüero, R Rodríguez-Sánchez
Programa versión 1, 2000
La pesquería de sardina y anchoveta
D Lluch-Belda, J Arvizu, S Hernández-Vázquez, DB Lluch-Cota, ...
Pesquerías relevantes de México 1, 419-535, 1996
Ciclo reproductor de Sardinops sagax (sardina monterrey), en el Golfo de California
JR Torres-Villegas, R Reyes, R Rodríguez Sánchez
Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias …, 1986
Chapter 7. Trophic dynamics
CD van der Lingen, A Bertrand, A Bode, R Brodeur, LA Cubillos, ...
Climate Change and Small Pelagic Fish, 2008
Taxonomía de las especies del género Opisthonema (sardina crinuda) en el noroeste de México
R Rodríguez Sánchez
BAC: Centros de actividad biológica del Pacífico mexicano
S Ortega-García, JA Trigueros-Salmerón, R Rodríguez-Sánchez, ...
Length-weight relationships of top predator fish caught by the sport fishing fleet off Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico
S Ortega-García, U Jakes-Cota, JG Díaz-Uribe, R Rodríguez-Sánchez
Latin american journal of aquatic research 46 (1), 10-14, 2018
Vertical distributions of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the Eastern Pacific Ocean suggest variability in potential associations with floating objects
S Ortega-Garcia, CR Perle, NM Whitney, R Rodriguez-Sanchez, ...
Plos one 17 (11), e0276873, 2022
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