Tiffany Liden
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Cited by
Treatment modalities for the reuse of produced waste from oil and gas development
T Liden, IC Santos, ZL Hildenbrand, KA Schug
Science of the Total Environment 643, 107-118, 2018
Forward osmosis remediation of high salinity Permian Basin produced water from unconventional oil and gas development
T Liden, DD Carlton Jr, S Miyazaki, T Otoyo, KA Schug
Science of The Total Environment 653, 82-90, 2019
Characterizing variable biogeochemical changes during the treatment of produced oilfield waste
ZL Hildenbrand, IC Santos, T Liden, DD Carlton Jr, E Varona-Torres, ...
Science of the Total Environment 634, 1519-1529, 2018
Optimization of thin film solid phase microextraction and data deconvolution methods for accurate characterization of organic compounds in produced water
RV Emmons, T Liden, KA Schug, E Gionfriddo
Journal of Separation Science 43 (9-10), 1915-1924, 2020
Unraveling the complex composition of produced water by specialized extraction methodologies
RV Emmons, GS Shyam Sunder, T Liden, KA Schug, TY Asfaha, ...
Environmental science & technology 56 (4), 2334-2344, 2022
Unconventional oil and gas production: waste management and the water cycle
T Liden, BG Clark, ZL Hildenbrand, KA Schug
Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection 1, 17-45, 2017
Comparison of headspace solid-phase microextraction high capacity fiber coatings based on dual mass spectrometric and broadband vacuum ultraviolet absorption detection for …
D Zanella, HE Anderson, T Selby, RH Magnuson II, T Liden, KA Schug
Analytica Chimica Acta 1141, 91-99, 2021
Comparison of the degree of fouling at various flux rates and modes of operation using forward osmosis for remediation of produced water from unconventional oil and gas development
T Liden, DD Carlton Jr, S Miyazaki, T Otoyo, KA Schug
Science of the Total Environment 675, 73-80, 2019
Analytical methods for the comprehensive characterization of produced water
T Liden, IC Santos, ZL Hildenbrand, KA Schug
Separation Science and Technology 11, 199-217, 2019
Pretreatment techniques for produced water with subsequent forward osmosis remediation
T Liden, ZL Hildenbrand, KA Schug
Water 11 (7), 1437, 2019
Profiling of contemporary beer styles using liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, multivariate analysis, and machine learning techniques
HE Anderson, T Liden, BK Berger, D Zanella, LH Manh, S Wang, ...
Analytica chimica acta 1172, 338668, 2021
Characterizing various produced waters from shale energy extraction within the context of reuse
T Liden, ZL Hildenbrand, R Sanchez-Rosario, KA Schug
Energies 15 (13), 4521, 2022
Target profiling of beer styles by their iso‐α‐acid and phenolic content using liquid chromatography–quadrupole time‐of‐flight–mass spectrometry
HE Anderson, T Liden, BK Berger, KA Schug
Journal of Separation Science 44 (14), 2764-2772, 2021
Exploiting targeted and untargeted approaches for the analysis of bacterial metabolites under altered growth conditions
D Zanella, T Liden, J York, FA Franchina, JF Focant, KA Schug
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 413 (21), 5321-5332, 2021
TOC/Conductivity: Surrogate measurements potentially guiding greater utilization of treated produced water
ZL Hildenbrand, R Sanchez-Rosario, A Klima, T Liden, KA Schug
Energies 16 (1), 206, 2022
Characterization and Remediation of Wastewater from Unconventional Oil and Gas Development
TM Liden
The University of Texas at Arlington, 2018
An Overview of the Untargeted Analysis Using LC–MS (QTOF): Experimental Process and Design Considerations
T Liden, E Wang, K Schug
MJH Life Sciences 41, 8–12-8–12, 2023
Characterizing Various Produced Waters from Shale Energy Extraction within the Context of Reuse. Energies 2022, 15, 4521
T Liden, ZL Hildenbrand, R Sanchez-Rosario, KA Schug
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2022
Comparison of headspace solid-phase microextraction high capacity fiber coatings for untargeted analysis of beer volatiles using GC-MS/VUV
D Zanella, HE Anderson, T Selby, RH Magnuson II, T Liden, JF Focant, ...
First European SamplePrep Conference, 2021
Forward osmosis as an effective treatment technology for high salinity produced water from unconventional oil and gas development
T Liden, D Carlton, Y Ide, T Otoyo, N Kubota, K Schug
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Articles 1–20