Beatrice L. Gordon
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Cited by
A case-study based framework for assessing the multi-sector performance of green infrastructure
BL Gordon, KJ Quesnel, R Abs, NK Ajami
Journal of environmental management 223, 371-384, 2018
Why does snowmelt-driven streamflow response to warming vary? A data-driven review and predictive framework
BL Gordon, PD Brooks, SA Krogh, GFS Boisrame, RWH Carroll, ...
Environmental Research Letters 17 (5), 053004, 2022
Can we use the water budget to infer upland catchment behavior? The role of data set error estimation and interbasin groundwater flow
BL Gordon, WT Crow, AG Konings, DN Dralle, AA Harpold
Water Resources Research 58 (9), e2021WR030966, 2022
Field scale quantification indicates potential for variability in return flows from flood irrigation in the high altitude western US
BL Gordon, GB Paige, SN Miller, N Claes, AD Parsekian
Agricultural water management 232, 106062, 2020
Diel streamflow cycles suggest more sensitive snowmelt-driven streamflow to climate change than land surface modeling
SA Krogh, L Scaff, G Sterle, J Kirchner, B Gordon, A Harpold
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-41, 2021
Hydrologic modeling of reach scale fluxes from flood irrigated fields
N Claes, GB Paige, BL Gordon, AD Parsekian, SN Miller
Journal of Hydrology 598, 126254, 2021
Adaptable and comprehensive vulnerability assessments for water resources systems in a rapidly changing world
BL Gordon, EA Koebele, JJ Rego, AA Harpold, NK Ajami
Journal of Environmental Management 352, 119958, 2024
Environmental water transactions in the Colorado River Basin: a closer look
L Szeptycki, D Pilz, R O'Connor, B Gordon
Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, 2018
The essential role of local context in shaping risk and risk reduction strategies for snowmelt‐dependent irrigated agriculture
BL Gordon, GFS Boisrame, RWH Carroll, NK Ajami, B Leonard, C Albano, ...
Earth's Future 12 (6), e2024EF004577, 2024
Existing accessible modeling tools offer limited support to evaluation of impact investment in rangeland ecosystem services
BL Gordon, VA Kowal, A Khadka, R Chaplin-Kramer, R Roath, BP Bryant
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3, 77, 2019
Evaluating the cost of shifting land use under hydrologic change
B Gordon, RWH Carroll, B Leonard, D Manning, J Blumberg
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (3), H21AA-03, 2023
Headwater Reservoir Management Must Consider Hydrological Supply and Agricultural Demand In a Future With Less Snowpack
B Gordon, AA Harpold, NK Ajami, C Albano, G Boisrame, RWH Carroll, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, H43A-07, 2022
A Socio-Hydrologic Assessment of Mountain Water Supply Vulnerability to Changing Snowmelt
BL Gordon
University of Nevada, Reno, 2022
Adapting index-based vulnerability assessments in rapidly changing coupled upland-agricultural systems in the western US
B Gordon, A Harpold, E Koebele, N Ajami, G Boisrame, M Andrade
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, SY35A-04, 2021
Accounting for built and natural storage is necessary to estimate the true vulnerability of downstream water supplies
B Gordon, A Harpold, R Carroll, N Ajami
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, H55F-0799, 2021
Diel observations suggest earlier snowmelt-driven streamflow than land surface modeling
AA Harpold, SA Krogh, L Scaff, G Sterle, JW Kirchner, BL Gordon
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H225-02, 2020
Hydrologic modeling of reach scale hydrologic responses to flood irrigation through merging of geophysical and hydrological data
N Claes, GB Paige, B Gordon, A Parsekian, SN Miller
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, NS011-07, 2020
Using triple collocation of precipitation and evapotranspiration products to reduce uncertainty and improve inferences of catchment-scale water budgets
B Gordon, AA Harpold, WT Crow
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H017-04, 2020
The role of plant available water storage capacity in modulating the value of snow accumulation for upland ecosystems
B Gordon, AA Harpold, D Dralle
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, H11P-1739, 2019
How Ready Is The Hydrologic Sciences For the Loss of Seasonal Snowpacks (And What Can Be Done)?
AA Harpold, PD Brooks, M Kohler, J Sturtevant, B Gordon, MD Dettinger
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, H11J-1630, 2019
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Articles 1–20