Jörgen Wissman
Jörgen Wissman
Ph.D. Conservation Biology, Swedish Biodiversity Centre
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Lawn as a cultural and ecological phenomenon: a conceptual framework for transdisciplinary research
M Ignatieva, K Ahrné, J Wissman, T Eriksson, P Tidåker, M Hedblom, ...
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 14 (2), 383-387, 2015
Estimating urban lawn cover in space and time: Case studies in three Swedish cities
M Hedblom, F Lindberg, E Vogel, J Wissman, K Ahrné
Urban Ecosystems 20, 1109-1119, 2017
Power-line corridors as source habitat for butterflies in forest landscapes
Å Berg, KO Bergman, J Wissman, M Żmihorski, E Öckinger
Biological conservation 201, 320-326, 2016
Biodiversity and traditional land use in South-Central Sweden: the significance of management timing
A Dahlstrom, T Lennartsson, J Wissman
Environment and history 14 (3), 385-403, 2008
Butterflies in semi‐natural pastures and power‐line corridors–effects of flower richness, management, and structural vegetation characteristics
Å Berg, K Ahrné, E Öckinger, R Svensson, J Wissman
Insect conservation and diversity 6 (6), 639-657, 2013
Relationships between multi-scale factors, plant and pollinator diversity, and composition of park lawns and other herbaceous vegetation in a fast growing megacity of China
F Yang, M Ignatieva, J Wissman, K Ahrné, S Zhang, S Zhu
Landscape and Urban Planning 185, 117-126, 2019
Factors Contributing to Variation in Seed Production among Remnant Populations of the Endangered Daisy Gerbera aurantiaca1
SD Johnson, CL Collin, HJ Wissman, E Halvarsson, J Ågren
Biotropica 36 (2), 148-155, 2004
Grazing regimes and plant reproduction in semi-natural grasslands
J Wissman
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2006
Assessing agri-environmental schemes for semi-natural grasslands during a 5-year period: can we see positive effects for vascular plants and pollinators?
Å Berg, E Cronvall, Å Eriksson, A Glimskär, M Hiron, J Knape, T Pärt, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 28, 3989-4005, 2019
Abundance of red-listed species in infrastructure habitats–” responsibility species” as a priority-setting tool for transportation agencies conservation action
JO Helldin, J Wissman, T Lennartsson
Nature Conservation 11, 143-158, 2015
Mowing for biodiversity: grass trimmer and knife mower perform equally well
M Tälle, KO Bergman, H Paltto, A Pihlgren, R Svensson, L Westerberg, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 23, 3073-3089, 2014
Invasiva arter i infrastruktur
J Wissman, K Norlin, T Lennartsson
CBM: s skriftserie 98, 1-104, 2015
Combining historical and ecological knowledge to optimise biodiversity conservation in semi-natural grasslands
E Gustavsson, A Dahlström, M Emanuelsson, J Wissman, T Lennartsson
The importance of biological interactions in the study of biodiversity, 173-196, 2011
Effect of breed of cattle and season on diet selection and defoliation of competitive plant species in semi‐natural grasslands
A Hessle, J Wissman, J Bertilsson, E Burstedt
Grass and Forage Science 63 (1), 86-93, 2008
Linear infrastructure habitats increase landscape-scale diversity of plants but not of flower-visiting insects
J Dániel-Ferreira, R Bommarco, J Wissman, E Öckinger
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 21374, 2020
The effect of timing of grassland management on plant reproduction
T Lennartsson, J Wissman, HM Bergström
International Journal of Ecology 2012 (1), 156274, 2012
Slututvärdering av Miljö-och landsbygdsprogrammet 2000-2006: vad fick vi för pengarna?
R Andersson, E Kaspersson, J Wissman
Road verges are corridors and roads barriers for the movement of flower‐visiting insects
J Dániel‐Ferreira, Å Berggren, J Wissman, E Öckinger
Ecography 2022 (2), 2022
Bumblebee queen mortality along roads increase with traffic
J Dániel-Ferreira, Å Berggren, R Bommarco, J Wissman, E Öckinger
Biological Conservation 272, 109643, 2022
Biological flora of Central Europe–Lupinus polyphyllus Lindley
RL Eckstein, E Welk, YP Klinger, T Lennartsson, J Wissman, K Ludewig, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 58, 125715, 2023
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Articles 1–20