Noora Veijalainen
Noora Veijalainen
Leading Hydrologist, D.Sci. (Tech.), Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
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National scale assessment of climate change impacts on flooding in Finland
N Veijalainen, E Lotsari, P Alho, B Vehviläinen, J Käyhkö
Journal of hydrology 391 (3-4), 333-350, 2010
Documentary evidence of past floods in Europe and their utility in flood frequency estimation
TR Kjeldsen, N Macdonald, M Lang, L Mediero, T Albuquerque, ...
Journal of Hydrology 517, 963-973, 2014
Identification of coherent flood regions across Europe by using the longest streamflow records
L Mediero, TR Kjeldsen, N Macdonald, S Kohnova, B Merz, S Vorogushyn, ...
Journal of Hydrology 528, 341-360, 2015
Impacts of climate change on temperature, precipitation and hydrology in Finland–studies using bias corrected Regional Climate Model data
T Olsson, J Jakkila, N Veijalainen, L Backman, J Kaurola, B Vehviläinen
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (7), 3217-3238, 2015
Effects of climate change and agricultural adaptation on nutrient loading from Finnish catchments to the Baltic Sea
I Huttunen, H Lehtonen, M Huttunen, V Piirainen, M Korppoo, ...
Science of the Total Environment 529, 168-181, 2015
Suomen vesivarat ja ilmastonmuutos-vaikutukset ja sopeutuminen, WaterAdapt-projektin loppuraportti.
N Veijalainen, J Jakkila, T Nurmi, B Vehviläinen, M Marttunen, J Aaltonen
Suomen ympäristö 16, 2012
Climate change impacts on water resources and lake regulation in the Vuoksi watershed in Finland
N Veijalainen, T Dubrovin, M Marttunen, B Vehviläinen
Water resources management 24, 3437-3459, 2010
Energy security impacts of a severe drought on the future Finnish energy system
J Jääskeläinen, N Veijalainen, S Syri, M Marttunen, B Zakeri
Journal of environmental management 217, 542-554, 2018
Severe drought in Finland: modeling effects on water resources and assessing climate change impacts
N Veijalainen, L Ahopelto, M Marttunen, J Jääskeläinen, R Britschgi, ...
Sustainability 11 (8), 2450, 2019
Can there be water scarcity with abundance of water? Analyzing water stress during a severe drought in Finland
L Ahopelto, N Veijalainen, JHA Guillaume, M Keskinen, M Marttunen, ...
Sustainability 11 (6), 1548, 2019
Vulnerability of cross-country skiing to climate change in Finland–An interactive mapping tool
M Neuvonen, T Sievänen, S Fronzek, I Lahtinen, N Veijalainen, TR Carter
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 11, 64-79, 2015
Sää-ja ilmastoriskit Suomessa-Kansallinen arvio
H Tuomenvirta, R Haavisto, M Hildén, T Lanki, S Luhtala, P Meriläinen, ...
Valtioneuvoston kanslia, 2018
Climate change adaptation for hydrology and water resources
J Silander, B Vehviläinen, J Niemi, A Arosilta, T Dubrovin, J Jormola, ...
Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, FINADAPT Working Paper 6, 2006
Estimation of climate change impacts on hydrology and floods in Finland
N Veijalainen
Aalto University, 2012
Thermal and hydrologic responses to climate change predict marked alterations in boreal stream invertebrate assemblages
KR Mustonen, H Mykrä, H Marttila, R Sarremejane, N Veijalainen, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (6), 2434-2446, 2018
Impact of climate change on future discharges and flow characteristics of the Tana River, sub‐arctic northern Fennoscandia
E Lotsari, N Veijalainen, P Alho, J Käyhkö
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 92 (2), 263-284, 2010
Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumisen ohjauskeinot, kustannukset ja alueelliset ulottuvuudet
H Gregow, A Mäkelä, H Tuomenvirta, S Juhola, J Käyhkö, A Perrels, ...
Suomen ilmastopaneeli, 2021
Climate‐driven hydrological variability determines inter‐annual changes in stream invertebrate community assembly
R Sarremejane, H Mykrä, KL Huttunen, KR Mustonen, H Marttila, ...
Oikos 127 (11), 1586-1595, 2018
River ice cover influence on sediment transportation at present and under projected hydroclimatic conditions
M Kämäri, P Alho, N Veijalainen, J Aaltonen, M Huokuna, E Lotsari
Hydrological Processes 29 (22), 4738-4755, 2015
Collaborative planning in adaptive flood risk management under climate change
K Söderholm, M Pihlajamäki, T Dubrovin, N Veijalainen, B Vehviläinen, ...
Water Resources Management 32, 1383-1397, 2018
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Articles 1–20