Søren Møller
Søren Møller
Roskilde University, Departement of Science and Environment
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Temporal Development of Brominated Flame Retardants in Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) Eggs from South Greenland (1986−2003)
K Vorkamp, M Thomsen, K Falk, H Leslie, S Møller, PB Sørensen
Environmental science & technology 39 (21), 8199-8206, 2005
Time trends of mercury in feathers of West Greenland birds of prey during 1851− 2003
R Dietz, FF Riget, D Boertmann, C Sonne, MT Olsen, J Fjeldså, K Falk, ...
Environmental science & technology 40 (19), 5911-5916, 2006
Satellite tracking of high-arctic northern fulmars
K Falk, S Møller
Polar Biology 15, 495-502, 1995
A nationwide assessment of plastic pollution in the Danish realm using citizen science
K Syberg, A Palmqvist, FR Khan, J Strand, J Vollertsen, LPW Clausen, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 17773, 2020
Breeding ecology of the Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis and the Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla in high‐arctic northeastern Greenland, 1993
K Falk, S Møller
Ibis 139 (2), 270-281, 1997
A long-term increase in eggshell thickness of Greenlandic Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus tundrius
K Falk, S Møller, WG Mattox
Science of the Total Environment 355 (1-3), 127-134, 2006
Excited-state s-cis rotamers produced by extreme red edge excitation of all-trans-1, 4-diphenyl-1, 3-butadiene
SE Wallace-Williams, S Moeller, RA Goldbeck, KM Hanson, JW Lewis, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 97 (38), 9587-9592, 1993
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) add to the chemical cocktail in peregrine falcon eggs
K Vorkamp, K Falk, S Møller, R Bossi, FF Rigét, PB Sørensen
Science of the Total Environment 648, 894-901, 2019
Seabirds utilizing the Northeast Water polynya
K Falk, C Hjort, C Andreasen, KD Christensen, M Elander, M Ericson, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 10 (1-4), 47-65, 1997
Persistent organochlorine compounds in peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) eggs from South Greenland: Levels and temporal changes between 1986 and 2003
K Vorkamp, M Thomsen, S Møller, K Falk, PB Sørensen
Environment International 35 (2), 336-341, 2009
Excited state spectra and dynamics of phenyl-substituted butadienes
SE Wallace-Williams, BJ Schwartz, S Moeller, RA Goldbeck, WA Yee, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 98 (1), 60-67, 1994
Regulated and unregulated halogenated flame retardants in peregrine falcon eggs from Greenland
K Vorkamp, K Falk, S Møller, F Rigét, PB Sørensen
Environmental Science and Technology 52 (2), 474–483, 2017
Status of the peregrine falcon in South Greenland: population density and reproduction
K Falk, S Møller
Peregrine Falcon populations: Their management and recovery, s. 37-43, 1985
Excited-state intramolecular proton transfer in anthralin.: Quantum chemical calculations and fluorescence spectra
S Møller, KB Andersen, J Spanget-Larsen, J Waluk
Chemical physics letters 291 (1-2), 51-56, 1998
Resonance Raman and absorption spectroscopy of the lowest triplet state of 1, 3, 5-hexatriene and deuteriated derivatives at 183 K: molecular structure in the T1 state
FW Langkilde, R Wilbrandt, S Moeller, AM Brouwer, F Negri, G Orlandi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 95 (18), 6884-6894, 1991
Clutch size effects on eggshell thickness in the Peregrine Falcon and European Kestrel
K Falk, S Møller
Ornis Scandinavica, 265-269, 1990
The Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus in south Greenland: nesting requirements, phenology and prey selection
K Falk, S Møller, WA Burnham
Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 80, 113-120, 1986
Lowest excited triplet state of 2, 5-dimethyl-1, 3, 5-hexatriene: resonance Raman spectra and quantum chemical calculations
F Negri, G Orlandi, AM Brouwer, FW Langkilde, S Moeller, R Wilbrandt
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 95 (18), 6895-6904, 1991
Status and trends of circumpolar peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon populations
A Franke, K Falk, K Hawkshaw, S Ambrose, DL Anderson, PJ Bente, ...
Ambio 49, 762-783, 2020
Levels and trends of toxaphene and chlordane-related pesticides in peregrine falcon eggs from South Greenland
K Vorkamp, S Møller, K Falk, FF Rigét, M Thomsen, PB Sørensen
Science of the Total Environment 468, 614-621, 2014
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Articles 1–20