Yael Parag
Yael Parag
Associate Professor, School of Sustainability, Reichman University (IDC)
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Microgrids: A review of technologies, key drivers, and outstanding issues
A Hirsch, Y Parag, J Guerrero
Renewable and sustainable Energy reviews 90, 402-411, 2018
Electricity market design for the prosumer era
Y Parag, BK Sovacool
Nature energy 1 (4), 1-6, 2016
More than filler: Middle actors and socio-technical change in the energy system from the “middle-out”
Y Parag, KB Janda
Energy Research & Social Science 3, 102-112, 2014
A middle-out approach for improving energy performance in buildings
KB Janda, Y Parag
Building Research & Information 41 (1), 39-50, 2013
An introduction to personal carbon trading
T Fawcett, Y Parag
Personal Carbon Trading, 329-338, 2017
Network approach for local and community governance of energy: The case of Oxfordshire
Y Parag, J Hamilton, V White, B Hogan
Energy Policy 62, 1064-1077, 2013
Sustainable microgrids: Economic, environmental and social costs and benefits of microgrid deployment
Y Parag, M Ainspan
Energy for Sustainable Development 52, 72-81, 2019
1.5-degree lifestyles: Towards a fair consumption space for all
L Akenji, M Bengtsson, V Toivio, M Lettenmeier, T Fawcett, T Parag, ...
Hot or Cool, 2021
A battle against the bottles: building, claiming, and regaining tap-water trustworthiness
Y Parag, JT Roberts
Society and Natural Resources 22 (7), 625-636, 2009
The EU drinking water directive: the boron standard and scientific uncertainty
E Weinthal, Y Parag, A Vengosh, A Muti, W Kloppmann
European Environment 15 (1), 1-12, 2005
Policy attribute framing: A comparison between three policy instruments for personal emissions reduction
Y Parag, S Capstick, W Poortinga
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 30 (4), 889-905, 2011
Personal carbon allowances revisited
F Fuso Nerini, T Fawcett, Y Parag, P Ekins
Nature Sustainability 4 (12), 1025-1031, 2021
Flexiwatts and seamless technology: Public perceptions of demand flexibility through smart home technology
Y Parag, G Butbul
Energy Research & Social Science 39, 177-191, 2018
Consumer–supplier–government triangular relations: rethinking the UK policy path for carbon emissions reduction from the UK residential sector
Y Parag, S Darby
Energy Policy 37 (10), 3984-3992, 2009
Motivations and barriers to integrating ‘prosuming’services into the future decentralized electricity grid: Findings from Israel
L Michaels, Y Parag
Energy Research & Social Science 21, 70-83, 2016
Barriers to personal carbon trading in the policy arena
Y Parag, N Eyre
Personal Carbon Trading, 353-368, 2017
Scaling up local carbon action: The role of partnerships, networks and policy
J Hamilton, R Mayne, Y Parag, N Bergman
Carbon Management 5 (4), 463-476, 2014
Beyond energy efficiency: A ‘prosumer market’as an integrated platform for consumer engagement with the energy system
Y Parag
Eur. Counc. Energy Effic. Econ. Summer Study 1, 15-23, 2015
Personal carbon trading: A radical policy option for reducing emissions from the domestic sector
Y Parag, D Strickland
Environment 53 (1), 29-37, 2010
Personal carbon trading: a review of research evidence and real-world experience of a radical idea
Y Parag, T Fawcett
Energy and emission control technologies, 23-32, 2014
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Articles 1–20