Brett K. Sandercock, PhD
Brett K. Sandercock, PhD
Senior Research Scientist (, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
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The avian gut microbiota: community, physiology and function in wild birds
K Grond, BK Sandercock, A Jumpponen, LH Zeglin
Journal of Avian Biology 49 (11), e01788, 2018
Estimation of demographic parameters from live‐encounter data: a summary review
BK Sandercock
The Journal of Wildlife Management 70 (6), 1504-1520, 2006
Genetic similarity between mates and extra-pair parentage in three species of shorebirds
D Blomqvist, M Andersson, C Küpper, IC Cuthill, J Kis, RB Lanctot, ...
Nature 419 (6907), 613-615, 2002
Is hunting mortality additive or compensatory to natural mortality? Effects of experimental harvest on the survival and cause‐specific mortality of willow ptarmigan
BK Sandercock, EB Nilsen, H Brřseth, HC Pedersen
Journal of Animal Ecology 80 (1), 244-258, 2011
Demographic sensitivity of population change in Northern Bobwhite
BK Sandercock, WE Jensen, CK Williams, RD Applegate
The Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (4), 970-982, 2008
Estimating dormancy and survival of a rare herbaceous perennial using mark–recapture models
RP Shefferson, BK Sandercock, J Proper, SR Beissinger
Ecology 82 (1), 145-156, 2001
Survival rates of a neotropical parrot: implications for latitudinal comparisons of avian demography
BK Sandercock, SR Beissinger, SH Stoleson, RR Melland, CR Hughes
Ecology 81 (5), 1351-1370, 2000
Estimation of survival rates for wader populations: a review of mark-recapture methods
BK Sandercock
Bulletin-Wader Study Group 100, 163-174, 2003
Life history strategies in extreme environments: comparative demography of arctic and alpine ptarmigan
BK Sandercock, K Martin, SJ Hannon
Ecology 86 (8), 2176-2186, 2005
Patterns and drivers of intraspecific variation in avian life history along elevational gradients: a meta‐analysis
W Alice Boyle, BK Sandercock, K Martin
Biological Reviews 91 (2), 469-482, 2016
Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds
M Bulla, M Valcu, AM Dokter, AG Dondua, A Kosztolányi, AL Rutten, ...
Nature 540 (7631), 109-113, 2016
Annual survival rates of wintering sparrows: assessing demographic consequences of migration
BK Sandercock, A Jaramillo
The Auk 119 (1), 149-165, 2002
Space use by female Greater Prairie‐Chickens in response to wind energy development
VL Winder, LB McNew, AJ Gregory, LM Hunt, SM Wisely, BK Sandercock
Ecosphere 5 (1), 1-17, 2014
Effects of wind energy development on nesting ecology of Greater Prairie‐Chickens in fragmented grasslands
LB McNew, LM Hunt, AJ Gregory, SM Wisely, BK Sandercock
Conservation Biology 28 (4), 1089-1099, 2014
Spatial variation in Lesser Prairie‐Chicken demography: a sensitivity analysis of population dynamics and management alternatives
CA Hagen, BK Sandercock, JC Pitman, RJ Robel, RD Applegate
The Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (8), 1325-1332, 2009
Impacts of anthropogenic features on habitat use by Lesser Prairie-Chickens
CA Hagen, JC Pitman, TM Loughin, BK Sandercock, RJ Robel, ...
Studies in Avian Biology 39, 63-75, 2011
Age‐specific survival and probable causes of mortality in female Lesser Prairie‐Chickens
CA Hagen, JC Pitman, BK Sandercock, RJ Robel, RD Applegate
The Journal of wildlife management 71 (2), 518-525, 2007
Animal migration to northern latitudes: environmental changes and increasing threats
V Kubelka, BK Sandercock, T Székely, RP Freckleton
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (1), 30-41, 2022
Recruitment and establishment of the gut microbiome in arctic shorebirds
K Grond, RB Lanctot, A Jumpponen, BK Sandercock
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93 (12), fix142, 2017
Effects of wind energy development on survival of female Greater Prairie‐Chickens
VL Winder, LB McNew, AJ Gregory, LM Hunt, SM Wisely, BK Sandercock
Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (2), 395-405, 2014
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Articles 1–20