José Milton de Sousa-Filho
José Milton de Sousa-Filho
Professor of Management - University of Fortaleza, Brazil
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Cited by
CSR information disclosure on the web: a context-based approach analysing the influence of country of origin and industry sector
LSO Wanderley, R Lucian, F Farache, JM de Sousa Filho
Journal of business ethics 82, 369-378, 2008
Board structure and environmental, social, and governance disclosure in Latin America
BW Husted, JM de Sousa-Filho
Journal of Business Research 102, 220-227, 2019
The impact of sustainability governance, country stakeholder orientation, and country risk on environmental, social, and governance performance
BW Husted, JM de Sousa-Filho
Journal of cleaner production 155, 93-102, 2017
Strategic corporate social responsibility management for competitive advantage
JM Sousa Filho, LSO Wanderley, CP Gómez, F Farache
BAR-Brazilian Administration Review 7 (3), 294-309, 2010
Challenges for sustainable supply chain management: When stakeholder collaboration becomes conducive to corruption
BS Silvestre, MS Monteiro, FLE Viana, JM de Sousa-Filho
Journal of Cleaner Production 194, 766-776, 2018
Determinants of social entrepreneurial intentions in a developing country context
JM de Sousa-Filho, S Matos, S da Silva Trajano, B de Souza Lessa
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 14, e00207, 2020
Cause related marketing: consumers' perceptions and benefits for profit and non-profits organisations
F Farache, KJ Perks, LSO Wanderley, JM Sousa Filho
BAR-Brazilian Administration Review 5, 210-224, 2008
The role of self-efficacy, entrepreneurial passion, and creativity in developing entrepreneurial intentions
MN Ferreira-Neto, JL de Carvalho Castro, JM de Sousa-Filho, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1134618, 2023
Determinants of corporate social performance disclosure: a literature review
EAR Garcia, GM Carvalho, JMG Boaventura, JM Souza Filho
Social Responsibility Journal 17 (4), 445-468, 2021
Exploring nuances of green skepticism in different economies
ME Silva, JM Sousa-Filho, AP Yamim, AP Diógenes
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 38 (4), 449-463, 2020
The influence of social disclosure on the relationship between Corporate Financial Performance and Corporate Social Performance
EAR Garcia, JM Sousa-Filho, JMG Boaventura
Revista Contabilidade & Finanças 29 (77), 229-245, 2018
Divulgação da responsabilidade social empresarial: como os websites empresariais vêm sendo utilizados por empresas de energia e varejo
JM Sousa Filho, LSO Wanderley
Cadernos Ebape. BR 5, 01-13, 2007
Corruption and supply chain management toward the sustainable development goals era
MS Monteiro, FLE Viana, JM Sousa-Filho
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society 18 (6 …, 2018
Gestão verde da cadeia de suprimentos: análise da produção acadêmica brasileira
JC Barbieri, JM de Sousa Filho, CN Brandão, LC Di Serio, ER Junior
Revista produção online 14 (3), 1104-1128, 2014
Do volunteers intend to become social entrepreneurs? The influence of pro-social behavior on social entrepreneurial intentions
SS Trajano, JM Sousa-Filho, S Matos, BS Lessa
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 52 (2), 443-473, 2023
Análise do comportamento ecológico de estudantes de administração
JM Sousa Filho, DB Coimbra, RF Mesquita, RA Luna
REAd. Revista Eletrônica de Administração (Porto Alegre) 21 (2), 300-319, 2015
Sustainable business models in a challenging context: The Amana Katu case
JAL Fernandes, JM Sousa-Filho, FLE Viana
Revista de Administração Contemporânea 25 (3), e200205, 2021
Estratégia socioambiental baseada em recursos e ambiguidade causal
JM Sousa-Filho, JC Barbieri
Revista de Administração de Empresas 55 (6), 699-711, 2015
What do strategists have in their minds? The use of structural equation modeling to understand the strategy process
R Lucian, GL Barbosa, JM de Sousa Filho, FA Pereira, IM da Silva
Brazilian Business Review 5 (2), 86-102, 2008
Mapeamento da produção científica internacional sobre intenção empreendedora
ES Sousa, RES Fontenele, ALL Silva, JM Sousa Filho
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado 10 (3), 114-139, 2019
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Articles 1–20