Shuhaimi Mansor
Shuhaimi Mansor
Professor (Aero Engineering)
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COVID-19 epidemic in Malaysia: Impact of lockdown on infection dynamics
N Salim, WH Chan, S Mansor, NE Nazira Bazin, S Amaran, ...
medrxiv, 2020.04. 08.20057463, 2020
The role of education and training in absorptive capacity of international technology transfer in the aerospace sector
P van der Heiden, C Pohl, SB Mansor, J van Genderen
Progress in Aerospace Sciences 76, 42-54, 2015
Experimental study of yaw angle effect on the aerodynamic characteristics of a road vehicle fitted with a rear spoiler
SY Cheng, KY Chin, S Mansor
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 184, 305-312, 2019
Necessitated absorptive capacity and metaroutines in international technology transfer: A new model
P Van Der Heiden, C Pohl, S Mansor, J Van Genderen
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 41, 65-78, 2016
Numerical investigation on aerodynamic characteristics of a compound wing-in-ground effect
S Jamei, A Maimun, S Mansor, N Azwadi, A Priyanto
Journal of Aircraft 49 (5), 1297-1305, 2012
Estimation of bluff body transient aerodynamics using an oscillating model rig
S Mansor, MA Passmore
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 96 (6-7), 1218-1231, 2008
Validation of UAV wing structural model for finite element analysis
G Kanesan, S Mansor, A Abdul-Latif
Jurnal Teknologi 71 (2), 2014
Influence of rear-roof spoiler on the aerodynamic performance of hatchback vehicle
SY Cheng, S Mansor
MATEC Web of Conferences 90, 01027, 2017
Measuring aerodynamic characteristics using high performance low speed wind tunnel at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
AM Noor, S Mansor
Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering 3 (132), 1-7, 2013
The measurement of transient aerodynamics using an oscillating model facility
MA Passmore, S Mansor
SAE Technical Paper, 2006
& Shithil, SM (2020). COVID-19 epidemic in Malaysia: Impact of lock-down on infection dynamics
N Salim, WH Chan, S Mansor, NEN Bazin, S Amaran, AAM Faudzi
MedRxiv, 0
Objective driveability: Integration of vehicle behavior and subjective feeling into objective assessments
IYAM Isa, MAZ Abidin, S Mansor
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 6, 782-792, 2014
COVID-19 Effects on Students' Teaching and Learning Perspectives in Malaysian Varsities.
Z Harun, FM Hamzah, S Mansor, AS Mahmud, H Hashim, MTH Sultan, ...
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 29 (4), 2021
The effects of Reynolds number on flow separation of Naca Aerofoil
MSA Hakim, N Othman, M Ab Wahid, S Mat, S Mansor, MN Dahalan, ...
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 47 (1 …, 2018
Wind noise from A-pillar and side view mirror of a realistic generic car model, DriAver
MSM Ali, J Jalasabri, AM Sood, S Mansor, H Shaharuddin, S Muhamad
International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration 14 (1), 38-61, 2018
Flow simulations of generic vehicle model SAE type 4 and DrivAer Fastback using OpenFOAM
NH Shaharuddin, MSM Ali, S Mansor, S Muhamad, SAZS Salim, M Usma
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 37 (1 …, 2017
Rear-roof spoiler effect on the aerodynamic drag performance of a simplified hatchback model
SY Cheng, S Mansor
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 822 (1), 012008, 2017
Outdoor ventilation performance of various configurations of a layout of two adjacent buildings under isothermal conditions
SA Ayo, N Mohd-Ghazali, S Mansor
Building Simulation 8, 81-98, 2015
Preliminary study on the wind flow and pollutant dispersion in an idealized Street Canyon
AWM Yazid, CSN Azwadi, SM Salim, S Mansor
Journal of Advanced Research Design 1 (1), 1-17, 2014
Effect of spoiler angle on the aerodynamic performance of hatchback model
CS Yuan, S Mansor, MA Abdullah
Int. J. Appl. Eng. Res 12 (22), 12927-12933, 2017
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Articles 1–20