Michael Mahony
Michael Mahony
Professor of Environmental Science, Necastle University, Australia
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Cited by
Effect of season and temperature on mortality in amphibians due to chytridiomycosis
L Berger, R Speare, HB Hines, G Marantelli, AD Hyatt, KR McDonald, ...
Australian Veterinary Journal 82 (7), 434-439, 2004
The 10 Australian ecosystems most vulnerable to tipping points
WF Laurance, B Dell, SM Turton, MJ Lawes, LB Hutley, H McCallum, ...
Biological Conservation 144 (5), 1472-1480, 2011
Engineering a future for amphibians under climate change
LP Shoo, DH Olson, SK McMenamin, KA Murray, M Van Sluys, ...
Journal of applied ecology 48 (2), 487-492, 2011
The role of introduced mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) in excluding the native green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea) from original habitats in south-eastern …
A Hamer, S Lane, M Mahony
Oecologia 132, 445-452, 2002
Amphibian decline and fertilizers used on agricultural land in south-eastern Australia
AJ Hamer, JA Makings, SJ Lane, MJ Mahony
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 102 (3), 299-305, 2004
Detecting extinction risk from climate change by IUCN Red List criteria
DA Keith, M Mahony, H Hines, J Elith, TJ Regan, JB Baumgartner, ...
Conservation Biology 28 (3), 810-819, 2014
Management of freshwater wetlands for the endangered green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea): roles of habitat determinants and space
AJ Hamer, SJ Lane, MJ Mahony
Biological Conservation 106 (3), 413-424, 2002
Successful recovery of motility and fertility of cryopreserved cane toad (Bufo marinus) sperm
RK Browne, J Clulow, M Mahony, A Clark
Cryobiology 37 (4), 339-345, 1998
An assessment of frog declines in wet subtropical Australia
H Hines, M Mahony, K McDonald
Declines and disappearances of Australian frogs, 44-63, 1999
Achieving no net loss in habitat offset of a threatened frog required high offset ratio and intensive monitoring
EJ Pickett, MP Stockwell, DS Bower, JI Garnham, CJ Pollard, J Clulow, ...
Biological Conservation 157, 156-162, 2013
Evidence of a salt refuge: chytrid infection loads are suppressed in hosts exposed to salt
MP Stockwell, J Clulow, MJ Mahony
Oecologia 177, 901-910, 2015
Review of the declines and disappearances within the bell frog species group (Litoria aurea species group) in Australia
M Mahony
Declines and disappearances of Australian frogs, 81-93, 1999
Host species determines whether infection load increases beyond disease‐causing thresholds following exposure to the amphibian chytrid fungus
MP Stockwell, J Clulow, MJ Mahony
Animal Conservation 13, 62-71, 2010
Larval anurans with synchronous and asynchronous development periods: contrasting responses to water reduction and predator presence
SJ Lane, MJ Mahony
Journal of animal ecology 71 (5), 780-792, 2002
Overview of the conservation status of Australian frogs
JM Hero, C Morrison, G Gillespie, JD Roberts, D Newell, E Meyer, ...
Pacific Conservation Biology 12 (4), 313-320, 2006
The decline of the Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea viewed in the context of declines and disappearances of other Australian frogs
M Mahony
Australian Zoologist 30 (2), 237-247, 1996
The impact of the Amphibian Chytrid Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on a Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea reintroduction program at the Hunter …
M Stockwell, S Clulow, J Clulow, M Mahony
Australian Zoologist 34 (3), 379-386, 2008
The distribution and host range of the pandemic disease chytridiomycosis in Australia, spanning surveys from 1956–2007: Ecological Archives E091‐108
K Murray, R Retallick, KR McDonald, D Mendez, K Aplin, P Kirkpatrick, ...
Ecology 91 (5), 1557-1558, 2010
If a frog calls in the forest: Bioacoustic monitoring reveals the breeding phenology of the endangered Richmond Range mountain frog (Philoria richmondensis)
RJ Willacy, M Mahony, DA Newell
Austral Ecology 40 (6), 625-633, 2015
Sodium chloride inhibits the growth and infective capacity of the amphibian chytrid fungus and increases host survival rates
MP Stockwell, J Clulow, MJ Mahony
PLoS One 7 (5), e36942, 2012
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Articles 1–20