Dmitry Dukhovskoy
Dmitry Dukhovskoy
Research Physical Scientist, NOAA OAR PSL
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World Ocean Atlas 2023, Volume 4: Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients (Phosphate, Nitrate, and Silicate)
HE Garcia, C Bouchard, SL Cross, CR Paver, JR Reagan, TP Boyer, ...
Arctic circulation regimes
A Proshutinsky, D Dukhovskoy, ML Timmermans, R Krishfield, JL Bamber
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
Analysis of the Beaufort Gyre freshwater content in 2003–2018
A Proshutinsky, R Krishfield, JM Toole, ML Timmermans, W Williams, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (12), 9658-9689, 2019
Remotely sensed winds and wind stresses for marine forecasting and ocean modeling
MA Bourassa, T Meissner, I Cerovecki, PS Chang, X Dong, G De Chiara, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 443, 2019
Detection of floating oil anomalies from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill with synthetic aperture radar
O Garcia-Pineda, I MacDonald, C Hu, J Svejkovsky, M Hess, ...
Oceanography 26 (2), 124-137, 2013
Greenland freshwater pathways in the sub‐A rctic S eas from model experiments with passive tracers
DS Dukhovskoy, PG Myers, G Platov, ML Timmermans, B Curry, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (1), 877-907, 2016
Role of Greenland freshwater anomaly in the recent freshening of the subpolar North Atlantic
DS Dukhovskoy, I Yashayaev, A Proshutinsky, JL Bamber, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (5), 3333-3360, 2019
Remote forcing contribution to storm‐induced sea level rise during Hurricane Dennis
SL Morey, S Baig, MA Bourassa, DS Dukhovskoy, JJ O'Brien
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (19), 2006
Mercury in the Gulf of Mexico: Sources to receptors
R Harris, C Pollman, W Landing, D Evans, D Axelrad, D Hutchinson, ...
Environmental Research 119, 42-52, 2012
Arctic decadal variability: An auto‐oscillatory system of heat and fresh water exchange
DS Dukhovskoy, MA Johnson, A Proshutinsky
Geophysical research letters 31 (3), 2004
Modeling studies of the upper ocean response to a tropical cyclone
SL Morey, MA Bourassa, DS Dukhovskoy, JJ O’Brien
Ocean Dynamics 56, 594-606, 2006
Characterization of the uncertainty of loop current metrics using a multidecadal numerical simulation and altimeter observations
DS Dukhovskoy, RR Leben, EP Chassignet, CA Hall, SL Morey, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 100, 140-158, 2015
Application of a vanishing, quasi-sigma, vertical coordinate for simulation of high-speed, deep currents over the Sigsbee Escarpment in the Gulf of Mexico
DS Dukhovskoy, SL Morey, PJ Martin, JJ O’Brien, C Cooper
Ocean Modelling 28 (4), 250-265, 2009
Sea Ice Rheology Experiment (SIREx): 1. Scaling and statistical properties of sea‐ice deformation fields
A Bouchat, N Hutter, J Chanut, F Dupont, D Dukhovskoy, G Garric, YJ Lee, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127 (4), e2021JC017667, 2022
Connectivity of the Apalachicola River flow variability and the physical and bio-optical oceanic properties of the northern West Florida Shelf
SL Morey, DS Dukhovskoy, MA Bourassa
Continental Shelf Research 29 (9), 1264-1275, 2009
World Ocean Atlas 2023, Volume 1: Temperature
RA Locarnini, AV Mishonov, OK Baranova, JR Reagan, TP Boyer, ...
Skill metrics for evaluation and comparison of sea ice models
DS Dukhovskoy, J Ubnoske, E Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth, HR Hiester, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (9), 5910-5931, 2015
Hindcast modeling of oil slick persistence from natural seeps
SD Asl, DS Dukhovskoy, M Bourassa, IR MacDonald
Remote sensing of environment 189, 96-107, 2017
Sea Ice Rheology Experiment (SIREx): 2. Evaluating linear kinematic features in high‐resolution sea ice simulations
N Hutter, A Bouchat, F Dupont, D Dukhovskoy, N Koldunov, YJ Lee, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127 (4), e2021JC017666, 2022
A framework for the development, design and implementation of a sustained Arctic Ocean observing system
CM Lee, S Starkweather, H Eicken, ML Timmermans, J Wilkinson, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 451, 2019
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Articles 1–20