Kimura Shingo
Kimura Shingo
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Oceanic spawning ecology of freshwater eels in the western North Pacific
K Tsukamoto, S Chow, T Otake, H Kurogi, N Mochioka, MJ Miller, ...
Nature communications 2 (1), 179, 2011
Effect of ambient temperature on the vertical distribution and movement of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus orientalis
T Kitagawa, H Nakata, S Kimura, T Itoh, S Tsuji, A Nitta
Marine Ecology Progress Series 206, 251-260, 2000
A model for the larval migration of the Japanese eel: roles of the trade winds and salinity front
S Kimura, K Tsukamoto, T Sugimoto
Marine Biology 119, 185-190, 1994
Diving behavior of immature, feeding Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis) in relation to season and area: the East China Sea and the Kuroshio …
T Kitagawa, S Kimura, H Nakata, H Yamada
Fisheries Oceanography 13 (3), 161-180, 2004
Seamounts, new moon and eel spawning: the search for the spawning site of the Japanese eel
K Tsukamoto, T Otake, N Mochioka, TW Lee, H Fricke, T Inagaki, ...
Environmental Biology of Fishes 66, 221-229, 2003
Fluctuation in the distribution of low‐salinity water in the North Equatorial Current and its effect on the larval transport of the Japanese eel
S Kimura, T Inoue, T Sugimoto
Fisheries Oceanography 10 (1), 51-60, 2001
Effect of El Niño on migration and larval transport of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica)
H Kim, S Kimura, A Shinoda, T Kitagawa, Y Sasai, H Sasaki
ICES Journal of Marine Science 64 (7), 1387-1395, 2007
Review of ocean-atmospheric factors in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans influencing spawning and recruitment of anguillid eels
MJ Miller, S Kimura, KD Friedland, B Knights, H Kim, DJ Jellyman, ...
American Fisheries Society Symposium 69, 231-249, 2009
The salinity front in the North Equatorial Current: a landmark for the spawning migration of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) related to the stock recruitment
S Kimura, K Tsukamoto
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (3-4), 315-325, 2006
Implications of meso-scale eddies caused by frontal disturbances of the Kuroshio Current for anchovy recruitment
H Nakata, S Kimura, Y Okazaki, A Kasai
ICES Journal of Marine Science 57 (1), 143-152, 2000
Impact of El Niño events and climate regime shift on living resources in the western North Pacific
T Sugimoto, S Kimura, K Tadokoro
Progress in Oceanography 49 (1-4), 113-127, 2001
Evaluation of the larval distribution and migration of the Japanese eel in the western North Pacific
A Shinoda, J Aoyama, MJ Miller, T Otake, N Mochioka, S Watanabe, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 21, 591-611, 2011
Thermoconservation mechanisms inferred from peritoneal cavity temperature in free-swimming Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus orientalis
T Kitagawa, H Nakata, S Kimura, S Tsuji
Marine Ecology Progress Series 220, 253-263, 2001
Biological productivity of meso-scale eddies caused by frontal disturbances in the Kuroshio
S Kimura, A Kasai, H Nakata, T Sugimoto, JH Simpson, JVS Cheok
ICES Journal of Marine Science 54 (2), 179-192, 1997
Migration of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, in the North Pacific Ocean in relation to large oceanic phenomena
Fisheries Oceanography 6 (2), 51-57, 1997
Meander of the Kuroshio front and current variability in the East China Sea
T Sugimoto, S Kimura, K Miyaji
Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan 44, 125-135, 1988
Thermal adaptation of pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis to temperate waters
T Kitagawa, S Kimura, H Nakata, H Yamada
Fisheries Science 72, 149-156, 2006
The effects of seasonal and interannual variability of oceanic structure in the western Pacific North Equatorial Current on larval transport of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
K Zenimoto, T Kitagawa, S Miyazaki, Y Sasai, H Sasaki, S Kimura
Journal of fish biology 74 (9), 1878-1890, 2009
Evaluation of Urinary 8‐Hydroxydeoxyguanine inHealthy Japanese People
S Kimura, H Yamauchi, Y Hibino, M Iwamoto, K Sera, K Ogino
Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology 98 (5), 496-502, 2006
Japanese eel Anguilla japonica do not assimilate nutrition during the oceanic spawning migration: evidence from stable isotope analysis
S Chow, H Kurogi, S Katayama, D Ambe, M Okazaki, T Watanabe, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 402, 233-238, 2010
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Articles 1–20