Alfonso Díez Minguela
Cited by
Cited by
Regional inequality and economic development in Spain, 1860–2010
DA Tirado, A Díez-Minguela, J Martinez-Galarraga
Journal of Historical Geography 54, 87-98, 2016
Regional inequality in Spain
A Diez-Minguela, J Martinez-Galarraga, DA Tirado-Fabregat
Springer International Publishing, 2018
Tracing the evolution of agglomeration economies: Spain, 1860–1991
FJB Tapia, A Díez-Minguela, J Martinez-Galarraga
The Journal of Economic History 78 (1), 81-117, 2018
Why did Spanish regions not converge before the Civil War? Agglomeration economies and (regional) growth revisited
A Díez-Minguela, J Martinez-Galarraga, DA Tirado-Fabregat
Revista de Historia Económica-Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic …, 2016
The long‐term relationship between economic development and regional inequality: South‐West Europe, 1860–2010
A Díez‐Minguela, R González‐Val, J Martinez‐Galarraga, MT Sanchis, ...
Papers in Regional Science 99 (3), 479-508, 2020
Capital humano y desigualdad territorial. El proceso de alfabetización en los municipios españoles desde la Ley Moyano hasta la Guerra Civil
FJ Beltrán-Tapia, A Díez-Minguela, J Martínez Galarraga, ...
Estudios de Historia Económica/Banco de España, 74, 2019
The shadow of cities: size, location and the spatial distribution of population
FJ Beltrán Tapia, A Díez-Minguela, J Martinez-Galarraga
The Annals of Regional Science 66, 729-753, 2021
TED-Ed: una herramienta online para fomentar el auto-aprendizaje
AD Minguela, DA Higón
Revista d'Innovació Docent Universitària, 15-19, 2015
Two stories, one fate: age-heaping and literacy in Spain, 1877-1930
FJB Tapia, A Díez-Minguela, J Martinez-Galarraga, DA Tirado-Fabregat
Revista de Historia Económica-Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic …, 2022
Regional prices in early twentieth-century Spain: a country-product-dummy approach
A Gómez-Tello, A Díez-Minguela, J Martinez-Galarraga, DA Tirado
Cliometrica 13, 245-276, 2019
The uneven transition towards universal literacy in Spain, 1860–1930
FJ Beltrán Tapia, A Diez-Minguela, J Martinez-Galarraga, ...
History of Education 50 (5), 605-627, 2021
Railroad integration and uneven development on the European periphery, 1870–1910
EJ Alvarez-Palau, A Díez-Minguela, J Martí-Henneberg
Social Science History 45 (2), 261-289, 2021
A closer look at the long-term patterns of regional income inequality in Spain: the poor stay poor (and stay together)
DA Tirado-Fabregat, A Díez-Minguela, J Martínez-Galarraga
EHES Working Papers in Economic History, 2015
Old wine in new wineskins? Understanding the cooperative movement: Catalonia, 1860–1939
FJ Medina-Albaladejo, D Añón Higón, A Díez-Minguela, ...
European Review of Economic History 25 (2), 328-354, 2021
The Shadow of Cities: Size, Location and the Spatial Distribution of Population in Spain
FJB Tapia, A Diez-Minguela, J Martínez-Galarraga
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics, 2017
The origins of economic growth and regional income inequality in Latin europe, 1870–1950
A Díez-Minguela, J Martinez-Galarraga, MT Sanchis-Llopis, ...
Journal of Interdisciplinary History 49 (1), 93-116, 2018
Mating (marriage) patterns and economic development
A Diez Minguela
The History of the Family 16 (4), 312-330, 2011
The long-term relationship between economic development and regional inequality: South-West Europe
A Díez-Minguela, R González-Val, J Martínez-Galarraga, ...
EHES Working Papers in Economic History 2010, 479-508, 1860
A brief history of the Reconquista (718-1492 AD): conquest, repopulation and land distribution
FJ Beltrán Tapia, A Díez Minguela, J Martínez-Galagarra, ...
Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria, 2020
Comparing different estimation methodologies of regional GDPs in Latin American countries
A Díez-Minguela, MT Sanchis Llopis
Time and Space: Latin American Regional Development in Historical …, 2020
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Articles 1–20