Jordi Casademont
Jordi Casademont
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Has time come to switch from duty-cycled MAC protocols to wake-up radio for wireless sensor networks?
J Oller, I Demirkol, J Casademont, J Paradells, GU Gamm, L Reindl
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 24 (2), 674-687, 2015
Performance evaluation and comparative analysis of subcarrier modulation wake-up radio systems for energy-efficient wireless sensor networks
J Oller, I Demirkol, J Casademont, J Paradells, GU Gamm, L Reindl
Sensors 14 (1), 22-51, 2013
Wireless technology applied to GIS
J Casademont, E Lopez-Aguilera, J Paradells, A Rojas, A Calveras, ...
Computers & Geosciences 30 (6), 671-682, 2004
An asymmetric access point for solving the unfairness problem in WLANs
E Lopez-Aguilera, M Heusse, Y Grunenberger, F Rousseau, A Duda, ...
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 7 (10), 1213-1227, 2008
Forwarding techniques for IP fragmented packets in a real 6LoWPAN network
A Ludovici, A Calveras, J Casademont
Sensors 11 (1), 992-1008, 2011
Design, development, and performance evaluation of a low-cost, low-power wake-up radio system for wireless sensor networks
J Oller, I Demirkol, J Casademont, J Paradells
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 10 (1), 1-24, 2013
IEEE 802.11‐enabled wake‐up radio system: design and performance evaluation
J Oller, E Garcia, E Lopez, I Demirkol, J Casademont, J Paradells, ...
Electronics Letters 50 (20), 1484-1486, 2014
CARAMEL: results on a secure architecture for connected and autonomous vehicles detecting GPS spoofing attacks
C Vitale, N Piperigkos, C Laoudias, G Ellinas, J Casademont, J Escrig, ...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2021, 1-28, 2021
Wake-up radio as an energy-efficient alternative to conventional wireless sensor networks MAC protocols
J Oller, I Demirkol, J Casademont, J Paradells, GU Gamm, L Reindl
Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis …, 2013
Evaluation of IEEE 802.11 coexistence in WLAN deployments
E Lopez-Aguilera, E Garcia-Villegas, J Casademont
Wireless Networks 25 (1), 87-104, 2019
Propagation delay influence in IEEE 802.11 outdoor networks
E Lopez-Aguilera, J Casademont, J Cotrina
Wireless networks 16, 1123-1142, 2010
Outdoor IEEE 802.11 g cellular network performance
E Lopez-Aguilera, J Casademont, J Cotrina
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM'04. 5, 2992-2996, 2004
Cooperative-intelligent transport systems for vulnerable road users safety
J Casademont, A Calveras, D Quiñones, M Navarro, J Arribas, ...
2019 7th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud …, 2019
Redes de comunicaciones: de la telefonía móvil a Internet
JC i Serra, JP Aspas, LC Ibáñez, VB Martínez, AC i Augé, XH Serra, ...
Univ. Politèc. de Catalunya, 2010
Understanding the Impact of the PC5 Resource Grid Design on the Capacity and Efficiency of LTE‐V2X in Vehicular Networks
LM Lopez, CF Mendoza, J Casademont, D Camps-Mur
Wireless communications and mobile computing 2020 (1), 8156908, 2020
Ubiquitous web access: collaborative optimization and dynamic content negotiation
X Sanchez-Loro, V Beltran, J Casademont, M Catalan
2008 International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (mue …, 2008
Time-Knocking: A novel addressing mechanism for wake-up receivers
J Oller, I Demirkol, J Paradells, J Casademont, W Heinzelman
2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2012
Proposal of a clean slate network architecture for ubiquitous services provisioning
X Sanchez-Loro, J Casademont, J Paradells, JL Ferrer, A Vidal
2009 First International Conference on Future Information Networks, 54-60, 2009
Teletraffic simulation of cellular networks: modeling the handoff arrivals and the handoff delay
I Martin-Escalona, F Barcelo, J Casademont
The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2002
A study on the influence of transmission errors on WLAN IEEE 802.11 MAC performance
E Lopez‐Aguilera, J Casademont, EG Villegas
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 11 (10), 1376-1391, 2011
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Articles 1–20