Robert Jobidon
Robert Jobidon
Direction de la recherche forestière, MFFP
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Density-dependent effects of northern hardwood competition on selected environmental resources and young white spruce (Picea glauca) plantation growth, mineral nutrition, and …
R Jobidon
Forest Ecology and Management 130 (1-3), 77-97, 2000
Net effect of competing vegetation on selected environmental conditions and performance of four spruce seedling stock sizes after eight years in Québec (Canada)
R Jobidon, V Roy, G Cyr
Annals of Forest Science 60 (7), 691-699, 2003
Initial size and competing vegetation effects on water stress and growth of Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP seedlings planted in three different environments
R Jobidon, L Charette, PY Bernier
Forest Ecology and Management 103 (2-3), 293-305, 1998
Physiological and growth responses of three sizes of containerized Picea mariana seedlings outplanted with and without vegetation control
MS Lamhamedi, PY Bernier, C Hébert, R Jobidon
Forest Ecology and Management 110 (1-3), 13-23, 1998
Autécologie de quelques espèces de compétition d'importance pour la régénération forestière au Québec: Revue de littérature
R Jobidon
Ministère des Ressources naturelles, Direction de la recherche forestière …, 1995
Performance and physiology of large containerized and bare-root spruce seedlings in relation to scarification and competition in Québec (Canada)
N Thiffault, R Jobidon, AD Munson
Annals of Forest Science 60 (7), 645-655, 2003
Plant species diversity and composition along an experimental gradient of northern hardwood abundance in Picea mariana plantations
R Jobidon, G Cyr, N Thiffault
Forest Ecology and Management 198 (1-3), 209-221, 2004
Assessment of genetic variation within Chondrostereum purpureum from Quebec by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis
L Gosselin, R Jobidon, L Bernier
Mycological Research 100 (2), 151-158, 1996
How to shift unproductive Kalmia angustifolia – Rhododendron groenlandicum heath to productive conifer plantation
N Thiffault, R Jobidon
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (10), 2364-2376, 2006
Light threshold for optimal black spruce (Picea mariana) seedling growth and development under brush competition
R Jobidon
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 24 (8), 1629-1635, 1994
La sylviculture des plantations résineuses au Québec
N Thiffault, V Roy, G Prégent, G Cyr, R Jobidon, J Ménétrier
Nat. can 127 (1), 63-80, 2003
Nitrate fertilization stimulates emergence of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) under forest canopy
R Jobidon
Fertilizer Research 36, 91-94, 1993
Régénération artificielle des pessières noires à éricacées: effets du scarifiage, de la fertilisation et du type de plants après 10 ans
N Thiffault, G Cyr, G Prégent, R Jobidon, L Charette
The Forestry Chronicle 80 (1), 141-149, 2004
Stump height effects on sprouting of mountain maple, paper birch and pin cherry—10 year results
R Jobidon
The forestry chronicle 73 (5), 590-595, 1997
Genetic variability and structure of Canadian populations of Chondrostereum purpureum, a potential biophytocide
L Gosselin, R Jobidon, L Bernier
Molecular Ecology 8 (1), 113-122, 1999
Allelopathic growth inhibition of nodulated and unnodulated Alnus crispa seedlings by Populus balsamifera
R Jobidon, JR Thibault
American Journal of Botany 69 (8), 1213-1223, 1982
A biophysical approach to delineate a northern limit to commercial forestry: the case of Quebec’s boreal forest
R Jobidon, Y Bergeron, A Robitaille, F Raulier, S Gauthier, L Imbeau, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45 (5), 515-528, 2015
Phytotoxic effect of Barley, oat, and wheat-straw mulches in eastern quebec forest plantations 2. Effects on nitrification and black spruce (Picea mariana) seedling growth
R Jobidon, JR Thibault, JA Fortin
Forest ecology and management 29 (4), 295-310, 1989
Measurement of light transmission in young conifer plantations: a new technique for assessing herbicide efficacy
R Jobidon
Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 9 (3), 112-115, 1992
Allelopathic effects of balsam poplar on green alder germination
R Jobidon, JR Thibault
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 413-418, 1981
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Articles 1–20