Benjamin W. Heumann
Benjamin W. Heumann
Director, Center for Geographic Information Science, Central Michigan University
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Cited by
AVHRR derived phenological change in the Sahel and Soudan, Africa, 1982–2005
BW Heumann, JW Seaquist, L Eklundh, P Jönsson
Remote sensing of environment 108 (4), 385-392, 2007
Satellite remote sensing of mangrove forests: Recent advances and future opportunities
BW Heumann
Progress in Physical Geography 35 (1), 87-108, 2011
An object-based classification of mangroves using a hybrid decision tree—Support vector machine approach
BW Heumann
Remote Sensing 3 (11), 2440-2460, 2011
Disentangling the effects of climate and people on Sahel vegetation dynamics
JW Seaquist, T Hickler, L Eklundh, J Ardö, BW Heumann
Biogeosciences 6 (3), 469-477, 2009
Trading spaces: calculating embodied ecological footprints in international trade using a product land use matrix (PLUM)
DD Moran, MC Wackernagel, JA Kitzes, BW Heumann, D Phan, ...
Ecological Economics 68 (7), 1938-1951, 2009
Climate shocks and migration: An agent-based modeling approach
B Entwisle, NE Williams, AM Verdery, RR Rindfuss, SJ Walsh, ...
Population and environment 38, 47-71, 2016
Assessing the application of a geographic presence-only model for land suitability mapping
BW Heumann, SJ Walsh, PM McDaniel
Ecological informatics 6 (5), 257-269, 2011
Spring photosynthesis in a cool temperate bog
TR Moore, PM Lafleur, DMI Poon, BW Heumann, JW Seaquist, NT Roulet
Global Change Biology 12 (12), 2323-2335, 2006
Interactions between nitrogen deposition, land cover conversion, and climate change determine the contemporary carbon balance of Europe
G Churkina, S Zaehle, J Hughes, N Viovy, Y Chen, M Jung, BW Heumann, ...
Biogeosciences 7 (9), 2749-2764, 2010
Community expansion and infrastructure development: implications for human health and environmental quality in the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador
SJ Walsh, AL McCleary, BW Heumann, L Brewington, EJ Raczkowski, ...
Journal of Latin American Geography, 137-159, 2010
Design of an agent-based model to examine population–environment interactions in Nang Rong District, Thailand
SJ Walsh, GP Malanson, B Entwisle, RR Rindfuss, PJ Mucha, ...
Applied Geography 39, 183-198, 2013
A statistical examination of image stitching software packages for use with unmanned aerial systems
JW Gross, BW Heumann
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 82 (6), 419-425, 2016
Testing the spectral diversity hypothesis using spectroscopy data in a simulated wetland community
BW Heumann, RA Hackett, AK Monfils
Ecological Informatics 25, 29-34, 2015
Hyperspectral remote sensing of salinity stress on red (Rhizophora mangle) and white (Laguncularia racemosa) mangroves on Galapagos Islands
C Song, BL White, BW Heumann
Remote Sensing Letters 2 (3), 221-230, 2011
Land suitability modeling using a geographic socio-environmental niche-based approach: A case study from northeastern Thailand
BW Heumann, SJ Walsh, AM Verdery, PM McDaniel, RR Rindfuss
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103 (4), 764-784, 2013
Using MODIS derived fPAR with ground based flux tower measurements to derive the light use efficiency for two Canadian peatlands
J Connolly, NT Roulet, JW Seaquist, NM Holden, PM Lafleur, ...
Biogeosciences 6 (2), 225-234, 2009
Changing crops in response to climate: Virtual Nang Rong, Thailand in an agent based simulation
GP Malanson, AM Verdery, SJ Walsh, Y Sawangdee, BW Heumann, ...
Applied Geography 53, 202-212, 2014
The contribution of small collections to species distribution modelling: A case study from Fuireneae (Cyperaceae)
HE Glon, BW Heumann, JR Carter, JM Bartek, AK Monfils
Ecological Informatics 42, 67-78, 2017
The influence of extreme water levels on coastal wetland extent across the Laurentian Great Lakes
O Anderson, A Harrison, B Heumann, C Godwin, D Uzarski
Science of the Total Environment 885, 163755, 2023
Habitat suitability modeling of the federally endangered Poweshiek skipperling in Michigan
CD Pogue, MJ Monfils, DL Cuthrell, BW Heumann, AK Monfils
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 7 (2), 359-368, 2016
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Articles 1–20