AVHRR derived phenological change in the Sahel and Soudan, Africa, 1982–2005 BW Heumann, JW Seaquist, L Eklundh, P Jönsson Remote sensing of environment 108 (4), 385-392, 2007 | 470 | 2007 |
Satellite remote sensing of mangrove forests: Recent advances and future opportunities BW Heumann Progress in Physical Geography 35 (1), 87-108, 2011 | 429 | 2011 |
An object-based classification of mangroves using a hybrid decision tree—Support vector machine approach BW Heumann Remote Sensing 3 (11), 2440-2460, 2011 | 347 | 2011 |
Disentangling the effects of climate and people on Sahel vegetation dynamics JW Seaquist, T Hickler, L Eklundh, J Ardö, BW Heumann Biogeosciences 6 (3), 469-477, 2009 | 171 | 2009 |
Trading spaces: calculating embodied ecological footprints in international trade using a product land use matrix (PLUM) DD Moran, MC Wackernagel, JA Kitzes, BW Heumann, D Phan, ... Ecological Economics 68 (7), 1938-1951, 2009 | 107 | 2009 |
Climate shocks and migration: An agent-based modeling approach B Entwisle, NE Williams, AM Verdery, RR Rindfuss, SJ Walsh, ... Population and environment 38, 47-71, 2016 | 104 | 2016 |
Assessing the application of a geographic presence-only model for land suitability mapping BW Heumann, SJ Walsh, PM McDaniel Ecological informatics 6 (5), 257-269, 2011 | 87 | 2011 |
Spring photosynthesis in a cool temperate bog TR Moore, PM Lafleur, DMI Poon, BW Heumann, JW Seaquist, NT Roulet Global Change Biology 12 (12), 2323-2335, 2006 | 82 | 2006 |
Interactions between nitrogen deposition, land cover conversion, and climate change determine the contemporary carbon balance of Europe G Churkina, S Zaehle, J Hughes, N Viovy, Y Chen, M Jung, BW Heumann, ... Biogeosciences 7 (9), 2749-2764, 2010 | 77 | 2010 |
Community expansion and infrastructure development: implications for human health and environmental quality in the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador SJ Walsh, AL McCleary, BW Heumann, L Brewington, EJ Raczkowski, ... Journal of Latin American Geography, 137-159, 2010 | 66 | 2010 |
Design of an agent-based model to examine population–environment interactions in Nang Rong District, Thailand SJ Walsh, GP Malanson, B Entwisle, RR Rindfuss, PJ Mucha, ... Applied Geography 39, 183-198, 2013 | 60 | 2013 |
A statistical examination of image stitching software packages for use with unmanned aerial systems JW Gross, BW Heumann Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 82 (6), 419-425, 2016 | 42 | 2016 |
Testing the spectral diversity hypothesis using spectroscopy data in a simulated wetland community BW Heumann, RA Hackett, AK Monfils Ecological Informatics 25, 29-34, 2015 | 41 | 2015 |
Hyperspectral remote sensing of salinity stress on red (Rhizophora mangle) and white (Laguncularia racemosa) mangroves on Galapagos Islands C Song, BL White, BW Heumann Remote Sensing Letters 2 (3), 221-230, 2011 | 41 | 2011 |
Land suitability modeling using a geographic socio-environmental niche-based approach: A case study from northeastern Thailand BW Heumann, SJ Walsh, AM Verdery, PM McDaniel, RR Rindfuss Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103 (4), 764-784, 2013 | 39 | 2013 |
Using MODIS derived fPAR with ground based flux tower measurements to derive the light use efficiency for two Canadian peatlands J Connolly, NT Roulet, JW Seaquist, NM Holden, PM Lafleur, ... Biogeosciences 6 (2), 225-234, 2009 | 36 | 2009 |
Changing crops in response to climate: Virtual Nang Rong, Thailand in an agent based simulation GP Malanson, AM Verdery, SJ Walsh, Y Sawangdee, BW Heumann, ... Applied Geography 53, 202-212, 2014 | 32 | 2014 |
The contribution of small collections to species distribution modelling: A case study from Fuireneae (Cyperaceae) HE Glon, BW Heumann, JR Carter, JM Bartek, AK Monfils Ecological Informatics 42, 67-78, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
The influence of extreme water levels on coastal wetland extent across the Laurentian Great Lakes O Anderson, A Harrison, B Heumann, C Godwin, D Uzarski Science of the Total Environment 885, 163755, 2023 | 17 | 2023 |
Habitat suitability modeling of the federally endangered Poweshiek skipperling in Michigan CD Pogue, MJ Monfils, DL Cuthrell, BW Heumann, AK Monfils Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 7 (2), 359-368, 2016 | 17 | 2016 |