Ng Szu Hui
Ng Szu Hui
Department of Industrial Systems Engineering & Management, National University of Singapore
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A systematic comparison of metamodeling techniques for simulation optimization in decision support systems
YF Li, SH Ng, M Xie, TN Goh
Applied soft computing 10 (4), 1257-1273, 2010
A study on bunker fuel management for the shipping liner services
Z Yao, SH Ng, LH Lee
Computers & Operations Research 39 (5), 1160-1172, 2012
Robust recurrent neural network modeling for software fault detection and correction prediction
QP Hu, M Xie, SH Ng, G Levitin
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 92 (3), 332-340, 2007
A study of the modeling and analysis of software fault‐detection and fault‐correction processes
M Xie, QP Hu, YP Wu, SH Ng
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 23 (4), 459-470, 2007
Nonparametric CUSUM and EWMA control charts for detecting mean shifts
SY Li, LC Tang, SH Ng
Journal of Quality Technology 42 (2), 209-226, 2010
Shipping efficiency comparison between Northern Sea Route and the conventional Asia-Europe shipping route via Suez Canal
Y Zhang, Q Meng, SH Ng
Journal of Transport Geography 57, 241-249, 2016
Reliability analysis and optimal version-updating for open source software
X Li, YF Li, M Xie, SH Ng
Information and Software Technology 53 (9), 929-936, 2011
Modeling and analysis of software fault detection and correction process by considering time dependency
YP Wu, QP Hu, M Xie, SH Ng
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 56 (4), 629-642, 2007
Software failure prediction based on a Markov Bayesian network model
CG Bai, QP Hu, M Xie, SH Ng
Journal of Systems and Software 74 (3), 275-282, 2005
Kriging metamodel with modified nugget-effect: The heteroscedastic variance case
J Yin, SH Ng, KM Ng
Computers & Industrial Engineering 61 (3), 760-777, 2011
Simulation optimization via kriging: a sequential search using expected improvement with computing budget constraints
N Quan, J Yin, SH Ng, LH Lee
Iie Transactions 45 (7), 763-780, 2013
Sensitivity analysis of release time of software reliability models incorporating testing effort with multiple change-points
X Li, M Xie, SH Ng
Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (11), 3560-3570, 2010
Uncertainty analysis in software reliability modeling by bayesian analysis with maximum-entropy principle
YS Dai, M Xie, Q Long, SH Ng
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33 (11), 781-795, 2007
Element maintenance and allocation for linear consecutively connected systems
R Peng, M Xie, SH Ng, G Levitin
IIE Transactions 44 (11), 964-973, 2012
Reducing parameter uncertainty for stochastic systems
SH Ng, SE Chick
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 16 (1), 26-51, 2006
Redundancy allocation for series-parallel warm-standby systems
O Tannous, L Xing, P Rui, M Xie, SH Ng
2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2011
A model for correlated failures in N-version programming
YS Dai, M Xie, KL Poh, SH Ng
IIE Transactions 36 (12), 1183-1192, 2004
Bayesian kriging analysis and design for stochastic simulations
SH Ng, J Yin
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 22 (3), 1-26, 2012
Bunkering decisions for a shipping liner in an uncertain environment with service contract
S Ghosh, LH Lee, SH Ng
European Journal of Operational Research 244 (3), 792-802, 2015
Uncertainty quantification of CO2 emission reduction for maritime shipping
J Yuan, SH Ng, WS Sou
Energy Policy 88, 113-130, 2016
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