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Fruit and vegetable quality assessment via dielectric sensing
D El Khaled, N Novas, JA Gazquez, RM Garcia, F Manzano-Agugliaro
Sensors 15 (7), 15363-15397, 2015
Cleaner quality control system using bioimpedance methods: a review for fruits and vegetables
D El Khaled, NN Castellano, JA Gazquez, RMG Salvador, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 140, 1749-1762, 2017
A real-time underground environment monitoring system for sustainable tourism of caves
N Novas, JA Gázquez, J MacLennan, RM García, M Fernández-Ros, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 142, 2707-2721, 2017
Absolute Configuration of Secondary Alcohols by 1H NMR:  In Situ Complexation of α-Methoxyphenylacetic Acid Esters with Barium(II)
R García, JM Seco, SA Vázquez, E Quiñoá, R Riguera
The Journal of organic chemistry 67 (13), 4579-4589, 2002
Advances in solar energy towards efficient and sustainable energy
N Novas, RM Garcia, JM Camacho, A Alcayde
Sustainability 13 (11), 6295, 2021
Alcohols and alcohols mixtures as liquid biofuels: A review of dielectric properties
D El Khaled, N Novas, JA Gázquez, RM García, F Manzano-Agugliaro
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66, 556-571, 2016
Role of Barium(II) in the Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Chiral Amines by 1H NMR Spectroscopy
R García, JM Seco, SA Vázquez, E Quiñoá, R Riguera
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 71 (3), 1119-1130, 2006
Prospective observational study of pazopanib in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (PRINCIPAL study)
M Schmidinger, A Bamias, G Procopio, R Hawkins, AR Sanchez, ...
The Oncologist 24 (4), 491-497, 2019
The IDDEA project: a strategy for the detection of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in COPD patients in the primary care setting
J Molina, X Flor, R García, R Timiraos, G Tirado-Conde, M Miravitlles
Therapeutic advances in respiratory disease 5 (4), 237-243, 2011
Design of a real-time emergency telemedicine system for remote medical diagnosis
NN Castellano, JA Gazquez, RMG Salvador, A Gracia-Escudero, ...
Biosystems engineering 138, 23-32, 2015
Absolute Configuration of Ketone Cyanohydrins by 1H NMR: The Special Case of Polar Substituted Tertiary Alcohols
I Louzao, R Garcia, JM Seco, R Riguera
Organic Letters 11 (1), 53-56, 2009
Spectrum of clinicopathologic findings in COVID-19-induced skin lesions: demonstration of direct viral infection of the endothelial cells
MCG Ruiz, A Santos-Briz, A Sanchez, M Alonso-Riano, J Burgos, ...
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology 45 (3), 293-303, 2021
Guía básica para la interpretación de los hábitats de interés comunitario en Castilla y León
A Escudero, JM Olano, R García, P Bariego, C Molina, JA Arranz, ...
Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y León, 2008
Techniques for Schumann resonance measurements: a comparison of four amplifiers with a noise floor estimate
JAG Parra, MF Ros, NN Castellano, RMG Salvador
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 64 (10), 2759-2768, 2015
Applied engineering using Schumann resonance for earthquakes monitoring
JA Gazquez, RM Garcia, NN Castellano, M Fernandez-Ros, ...
Applied Sciences 7 (11), 1113, 2017
Characterization and modeling of high-value inductors in ELF band using a vector network analyzer
RMG Salvador, JAG Parra, NN Castellano
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 62 (2), 415-423, 2012
Progress in the knowledge, application and influence of extremely low frequency signals
RM Garcia, N Novas, A Alcayde, D El Khaled, M Fernandez-Ros, ...
Applied sciences 10 (10), 3494, 2020
Optimization of the periodogram average for the estimation of the power spectral density (PSD) of weak signals in the ELF band
M Fernández-Ros, JAG Parra, RMG Salvador, NN Castellano
Measurement 78, 207-218, 2016
La investigación científica y el método clínico para la formación del profesional de la salud
R García, M Soler, S Latorre
Biblioteca virtual de Derecho, Economía y Ciencias Sociales) htpps://www …, 2018
Global perspectives on and research challenges for electric vehicles
N Novas, RM Garcia Salvador, F Portillo, I Robalo, A Alcayde, ...
Vehicles 4 (4), 1246-1276, 2022
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Articles 1–20