Andrew D. Moore
Andrew D. Moore
Resilience R&D Coordinator, CSIRO
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APSIM–evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation
DP Holzworth, NI Huth, PG deVoil, EJ Zurcher, NI Herrmann, G McLean, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 62, 327-350, 2014
GRAZPLAN: Decision support systems for Australian grazing enterprises—II. The animal biology model for feed intake, production and reproduction and the GrazFeed DSS
M Freer, AD Moore, JR Donnelly
Agricultural Systems 54 (1), 77-126, 1997
GRAZPLAN: decision support systems for Australian grazing enterprises. III. Pasture growth and soil moisture submodels, and the GrassGro DSS
AD Moore, JR Donnelly, M Freer
Agricultural Systems 55 (4), 535-582, 1997
Integrated crop–livestock systems in Australian agriculture: Trends, drivers and implications
LW Bell, AD Moore
Agricultural Systems 111, 1-12, 2012
Towards a new generation of agricultural system data, models and knowledge products: Information and communication technology
SJC Janssen, CH Porter, AD Moore, IN Athanasiadis, I Foster, JW Jones, ...
Agricultural Systems 155, 200-212, 2017
Evolution in crop–livestock integration systems that improve farm productivity and environmental performance in Australia
LW Bell, AD Moore, JA Kirkegaard
European Journal of Agronomy 57, 10-20, 2014
Morphology and response of roots of pasture species to phosphorus and nitrogen nutrition
JO Hill, RJ Simpson, AD Moore, DF Chapman
Plant and Soil 286 (1-2), 7, 2006
Handbook of Soil Acidity
ME Sumner, AD Noble, MJ Hedley, NS Bolan, C Tang, Z Rengel, ...
Soil acidification: the world story. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2003
Using a least-squares optimization procedure to estimate botanical composition based on the alkanes of plant cuticular wax
H Dove, AD Moore
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 46 (8), 1535-1544, 1995
GRAZPLAN: Decision support systems for Australian grazing enterprises—I. Overview of the GRAZPLAN project, and a description of the MetAccess and LambAlive DSS
JR Donnelly, AD Moore, M Freer
Agricultural Systems 54 (1), 57-76, 1997
Feed gaps in mixed-farming systems: insights from the Grain & Graze program
AD Moore, LW Bell, DK Revell
Animal Production Science 49 (10), 736-748, 2009
Evolution of the GRAZPLAN decision support tools and adoption by the grazing industry in temperate Australia
JR Donnelly, M Freer, L Salmon, AD Moore, RJ Simpson, H Dove, ...
Agricultural Systems 74 (1), 115-139, 2002
The Common Modelling Protocol: A hierarchical framework for simulation of agricultural and environmental systems
AD Moore, DP Holzworth, NI Herrmann, NI Huth, MJ Robertson
Agricultural Systems 95 (1-3), 37-48, 2007
An individualistic model of vegetation stand dynamics
AD Moore, IR Noble
Journal of Environmental Management 31 (1), 61-81, 1990
Maturation temperature and rainfall influence seed dormancy characteristics of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum)
KJ Steadman, AJ Ellery, R Chapman, A Moore, NC Turner
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 55 (10), 1047-1057, 2004
Dual-purpose cereals: can the relative influences of management and environment on crop recovery and grain yield be dissected?
MT Harrison, JR Evans, H Dove, AD Moore
Crop and Pasture Science 62 (11), 930-946, 2011
Assessing uncertainties in crop and pasture ensemble model simulations of productivity and N2O emissions
F Ehrhardt, JF Soussana, G Bellocchi, P Grace, R McAuliffe, S Recous, ...
Global change biology 24 (2), e603-e616, 2018
Improving water productivity in the Australian Grains industry—a nationally coordinated approach
JA Kirkegaard, JR Hunt, TM McBeath, JM Lilley, A Moore, K Verburg, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 65 (7), 583-601, 2014
The challenges–and some solutions–to process-based modelling of grazed agricultural systems
VO Snow, CA Rotz, AD Moore, R Martin-Clouaire, IR Johnson, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 62, 420-436, 2014
Brave new green world–consequences of a carbon economy for the conservation of Australian biodiversity
CJA Bradshaw, DMJS Bowman, NR Bond, BP Murphy, AD Moore, ...
Biological Conservation 161, 71-90, 2013
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Articles 1–20