Lesley Ann Hughes
Cited by
Cited by
Extinction risk from climate change
CD Thomas, A Cameron, RE Green, M Bakkenes, LJ Beaumont, ...
Nature 427 (6970), 145-148, 2004
Biological consequences of global warming: is the signal already apparent?
L Hughes
Trends in ecology & evolution 15 (2), 56-61, 2000
Assisted colonization and rapid climate change
O Hoegh-Guldberg, L Hughes, S McIntyre, DB Lindenmayer, C Parmesan, ...
Science 321 (5887), 345-346, 2008
Climate change and Australia: trends, projections and impacts
L Hughes
Austral Ecology 28 (4), 423-443, 2003
Predicting species distributions: use of climatic parameters in BIOCLIM and its impact on predictions of species’ current and future distributions
LJ Beaumont, L Hughes, M Poulsen
Ecological modelling 186 (2), 251-270, 2005
Australia and New Zealand
KB Hennessy, B Fitzharris, BC Bates, N Harvey, S Howden, L Hughes, ...
Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Working Group II Contribution to the …, 2007
Climate change: an Australian guide to the science and potential impacts
B Pittock, A Arthington, T Booth, P Cowell, K Hennessy, M Howden, ...
Australian Greenhouse Office, 2003
Why is the choice of future climate scenarios for species distribution modelling important?
LJ Beaumont, L Hughes, AJ Pitman
Ecology letters 11 (11), 1135-1146, 2008
Different climatic envelopes among invasive populations may lead to underestimations of current and future biological invasions
LJ Beaumont, RV Gallagher, W Thuiller, PO Downey, MR Leishman, ...
Diversity and Distributions 15 (3), 409-420, 2009
Australia's biodiversity and climate change
W Steffen
Csiro Publishing, 2009
Predicting dispersal spectra: a minimal set of hypotheses based on plant attributes
L Hughes, M Dunlop, K French, MR Leishman, B Rice, L Rodgerson, ...
Journal of Ecology, 933-950, 1994
A Reisinger, RL Kitching, F Chiew, L Hughes, PCD Newton, SS Schuster, ...
Climate change 2014: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability: Part B: Regional …, 2015
Detection and attribution of observed impacts
W Cramer, GW Yohe, M Auffhammer, C Huggel, U Molau, ...
Evidence for climatic niche and biome shifts between native and novel ranges in plant species introduced to Australia
RV Gallagher, LJ Beaumont, L Hughes, MR Leishman
Journal of ecology 98 (4), 790-799, 2010
Major conservation policy issues for biodiversity in Oceania
RT Kingsford, JEM Watson, CJ Lundquist, O Venter, L Hughes, ...
Conservation Biology 23 (4), 834-840, 2009
Where will species go? Incorporating new advances in climate modelling into projections of species distributions
LJ Beaumont, AJ Pitman, M Poulsen, L Hughes
Global Change Biology 13 (7), 1368-1385, 2007
Fate of seeds adapted for dispersal by ants in Australian sclerophyll vegetation
L Hughes, M Westoby
Ecology 73 (4), 1285-1299, 1992
Potential changes in the distributions of latitudinally restricted Australian butterfly species in response to climate change
LJ Beaumont, L Hughes
Global Change Biology 8 (10), 954-971, 2002
Ant–plant interactions
AJ Beattie, L Hughes
Plant–animal interactions: an evolutionary approach, 211-235, 2002
Phenological changes in the southern hemisphere
LE Chambers, R Altwegg, C Barbraud, P Barnard, LJ Beaumont, ...
PloS one 8 (10), e75514, 2013
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Articles 1–20