Tuomas Aivelo
Tuomas Aivelo
Assistant Professor, Leiden University; Academy Research Fellow, University of Helsinki
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Cited by
Parasite‐microbiota interactions potentially affect intestinal communities in wild mammals
T Aivelo, A Norberg
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2017
Bacterial microbiota composition of Ixodes ricinus ticks: the role of environmental variation, tick characteristics and microbial interactions
T Aivelo, A Norberg, B Tschirren
PeerJ 7, e8217, 2019
Population-and individual-level dynamics of the intestinal microbiota of a small primate
T Aivelo, J Laakkonen, J Jernvall
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82 (12), 3537-3545, 2016
Opportunities and challenges in metabarcoding approaches for helminth community identification in wild mammals
T Aivelo, A Medlar
Parasitology 145 (5), 608-621, 2018
Genetic determinism in the Finnish upper secondary school biology textbooks
T Aivelo, A Uitto
NorDiNa - Nordic Studies in Science Education 11 (2), 139-152, 2015
Combining formal education and citizen science: A case study on students’ perceptions of learning and interest in an urban rat project
T Aivelo, S Huovelin
Environmental Education Research, 2020
“For whom? By whom?”: critical perspectives of participation in ecological citizen science
P Rautio, T Tammi, T Aivelo, R Hohti, A Kervinen, M Saari
Cultural Studies of Science Education 17 (3), 765-793, 2022
Teachers’ choice of content and consideration of controversial and sensitive issues in teaching of secondary school genetics
T Aivelo, A Uitto
International Journal of Science Education 41 (18), 2716-2735, 2019
European first-year university students accept evolution but lack substantial knowledge about it: a standardized European cross-country assessment
P Kuschmierz, A Beniermann, A Bergmann, R Pinxten, T Aivelo, ...
Evolution: Education and Outreach volume 14, 17, 2021
Factors explaining students’ attitudes towards learning genetics and belief in genetic determinism
T Aivelo, A Uitto
International Journal of Science Education, 2021
Tracking year-to-year changes in intestinal nematode communities of rufous mouse lemurs (Microcebus rufus)
T Aivelo, A Medlar, A Löytynoja, J Laakkonen, J Jernvall
Parasitology 142 (8), 1095-1107, 2015
Digital gaming for evolutionary biology learning: The case study of parasite race, an augmented reality location-based game
T Aivelo, A Uitto
LUMAT 4 (1), 1-25, 2016
Evolution Education Questionnaire on Acceptance and Knowledge (EEQ) - Standardised and ready-to-use protocols to measure acceptance of evolution and knowledge about evolution …
A Beniermann, P Kuschmierz, R Pinxten, T Aivelo, G Bohlin, ...
zenodo, 2021
Luonnon monimuotoisuus edistää kansanterveyttä
T Aivelo, J Lehtimäki
Duodecim 137 (20), 2135-2141, 2021
Comparison of parasitic infections and body condition in rufous mouse lemurs (Microcebus rufus) at Ranomafana National Park, southeast Madagascar
HA Rafalinirina, T Aivelo, P Chapple Wright, J Randrianasy
Madagascar Conservation and Development 10 (2), 60-66, 2015
Secondary school students' responses to epistemic uncertainty during an ecological citizen science inquiry
A Kervinen, T Aivelo
Science Education, 2023
Representation for whom? Transformation of sex/gender discussion from stereotypes to silence in Finnish biology textbooks from 20th to 21th century
T Aivelo, E Neffling, M Karala
Journal of Biological Education, 2022
A better place for whom? Practitioners’ perspectives on the purpose of environmental education in Finland and Madagascar
A Brias Guinart, T Aivelo, M Högmander, R Heriniaina, M Cabeza
Journal of Environmental Education, 2023
Elevational Changes in Bacterial Microbiota Structure and Diversity in an Arthropod-Disease Vector
T Aivelo, M Lemoine, B Tschirren
Microbial Ecology, 2021
Metabarcoding Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sympatric Endemic and Nonendemic Species in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar
T Aivelo, A Medlar, A Löytynoja, J Laakkonen, J Jernvall
International Journal of Primatology, 2018
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Articles 1–20