Tom Rooney
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Ecological impacts of deer overabundance
SD Côté, TP Rooney, JP Tremblay, C Dussault, DM Waller
Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 35 (1), 113-147, 2004
Direct and indirect effects of white-tailed deer in forest ecosystems
TP Rooney, DM Waller
Forest ecology and management 181 (1-2), 165-176, 2003
On defining and quantifying biotic homogenization
JD Olden, TP Rooney
Global Ecology and Biogeography 15 (2), 113-120, 2006
Deer impacts on forest ecosystems: a North American perspective
TP Rooney
Forestry 74 (3), 201-208, 2001
Biotic impoverishment and homogenization in unfragmented forest understory communities
TP Rooney, SM Wiegmann, DA Rogers, DM Waller
Conservation Biology 18 (3), 787-798, 2004
High white-tailed deer densities benefit graminoids and contribute to biotic homogenization of forest ground-layer vegetation
TP Rooney
Plant Ecology 202, 103-111, 2009
Shifts in southern Wisconsin forest canopy and understory richness, composition, and heterogeneity
DA Rogers, TP Rooney, D Olson, DM Waller
Ecology 89 (9), 2482-2492, 2008
Species loss over sixty-six years in the ground-layer vegetation of Heart's Content, an old-growth forest in Pennsylvania, USA.
TP Rooney, WJ Dress
Top‐down cascade from a bitrophic predator in an old‐field community
MD Moran, TP Rooney, LE Hurd
Ecology 77 (7), 2219-2227, 1996
Regional variation in recruitment of hemlock seedlings and saplings in the upper Great Lakes, USA
TP Rooney, RJ McCormick, SL Solheim, DM Waller
Ecological Applications 10 (4), 1119-1132, 2000
Factors affecting the regeneration of northern white cedar in lowland forests of the Upper Great Lakes region, USA
TP Rooney, SL Solheim, DM Waller
Forest Ecology and management 163 (1-3), 119-130, 2002
Biotic homogenization and conservation prioritization
TP Rooney, JD Olden, MK Leach, DA Rogers
Biological Conservation 134 (3), 447-450, 2007
Escaping herbivory: refuge effects on the morphology and shoot demography of the clonal forest herb Maianthemum canadense
TP Rooney
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 280-285, 1997
The modified floristic quality index
TP Rooney, DA Rogers
Natural Areas Journal 22 (4), 340-344, 2002
Recolonizing wolves trigger a trophic cascade in Wisconsin (USA)
R Callan, NP Nibbelink, TP Rooney, JE Wiedenhoeft, AP Wydeven
Journal of Ecology 101 (4), 837-845, 2013
Paying the extinction debt in southern Wisconsin forest understories
DA Rogers, TP Rooney, TJ Hawbaker, VC Radeloff, DM Waller
Conservation Biology 23 (6), 1497-1506, 2009
A demographic study of deer browsing impacts on Trillium grandiflorum
TP Rooney, K Gross
Plant Ecology 168, 267-277, 2003
Large predators, deer, and trophic cascades in boreal and temperate ecosystems
WJ Ripple, TP Rooney, RL Beschta
Trophic cascades: predators, prey, and the changing dynamics of nature, 141-161, 2010
White-tailed deer are a biotic filter during community assembly, reducing species and phylogenetic diversity
DR Begley-Miller, AL Hipp, BH Brown, M Hahn, TP Rooney
AoB plants 6, plu030, 2014
Density-dependent pollinator visitation and self-incompatibility in upper Great Lakes populations of Trillium grandiflorum
JC Steven, TP Rooney, OD Boyle, DM Waller
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 23-29, 2003
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