Jesse Whittington
Jesse Whittington
Wildlife Biologist, Banff National Park
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Cited by
Scaling‐up camera traps: Monitoring the planet's biodiversity with networks of remote sensors
R Steenweg, M Hebblewhite, R Kays, J Ahumada, JT Fisher, C Burton, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15 (1), 26-34, 2017
Spatial responses of wolves to roads and trails in mountain valleys
J Whittington, CC St. Clair, G Mercer
Ecological applications 15 (2), 543-553, 2005
Caribou encounters with wolves increase near roads and trails: a time‐to‐event approach
J Whittington, M Hebblewhite, NJ DeCesare, L Neufeld, M Bradley, ...
Journal of applied ecology 48 (6), 1535-1542, 2011
Transcending scale dependence in identifying habitat with resource selection functions
NJ DeCesare, M Hebblewhite, F Schmiegelow, D Hervieux, GJ McDermid, ...
Ecological Applications 22 (4), 1068-1083, 2012
Human activity differentially redistributes large mammals in the Canadian Rockies National Parks
JK Rogala, M Hebblewhite, J Whittington, CA White, J Coleshill, ...
Ecology and Society 16 (3), 2011
Path tortuosity and the permeability of roads and trails to wolf movement
J Whittington, CC St. Clair, G Mercer
Ecology and Society 9 (1), 2004
Assessing global patterns in mammalian carnivore occupancy and richness by integrating local camera trap surveys
LN Rich, CL Davis, ZJ Farris, DAW Miller, JM Tucker, S Hamel, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (8), 918-929, 2017
Behavioural flexibility in migratory behaviour in a long‐lived large herbivore
SL Eggeman, M Hebblewhite, H Bohm, J Whittington, EH Merrill
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (3), 785-797, 2016
Sampling scales define occupancy and underlying occupancy–abundance relationships in animals
R Steenweg, M Hebblewhite, J Whittington, P Lukacs, K McKelvey
Ecology 99 (1), 172-183, 2018
Disturbance type and species life history predict mammal responses to humans
JP Suraci, KM Gaynor, ML Allen, P Alexander, JS Brashares, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (16), 3718-3731, 2021
Ecological correlates of the spatial co‐occurrence of sympatric mammalian carnivores worldwide
CL Davis, LN Rich, ZJ Farris, MJ Kelly, MS Di Bitetti, YD Blanco, ...
Ecology Letters 21 (9), 1401-1412, 2018
Camera-based occupancy monitoring at large scales: Power to detect trends in grizzly bears across the Canadian Rockies
R Steenweg, J Whittington, M Hebblewhite, A Forshner, B Johnston, ...
Biological Conservation 201, 192-200, 2016
Response of wolves to corridor restoration and human use management
B Shepherd, J Whittington
Ecology and Society 11 (2), 2006
Design patterns for wildlife‐related camera trap image analysis
S Greenberg, T Godin, J Whittington
Ecology and Evolution 9 (24), 13706-13730, 2019
Generalized spatial mark‐resight models with an application to grizzly bears
J Whittington, M Hebblewhite, RB Chandler
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (1), 157-168, 2018
Temporal road closures improve habitat quality for wildlife
J Whittington, P Low, B Hunt
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3772, 2019
Conditions for caribou persistence in the wolf-elk-caribou systems of the Canadian Rockies
M Hebblewhite, J Whittington, M Bradley, G Skinner, A Dibb, CA White
Rangifer, 79-91, 2007
A comparison of grizzly bear demographic parameters estimated from non-spatial and spatial open population capture-recapture models
J Whittington, MA Sawaya
PloS one 10 (7), e0134446, 2015
Estimating occupancy using spatially and temporally replicated snow surveys
J Whittington, K Heuer, B Hunt, M Hebblewhite, PM Lukacs
Animal Conservation 18 (1), 92-101, 2015
Wildlife mortality on roads and railways following highway mitigation
PS Gilhooly, SE Nielsen, J Whittington, CC St. Clair
Ecosphere 10 (2), e02597, 2019
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Articles 1–20