Bridget E. Hilbig
Bridget E. Hilbig
Assistant Professor of Applied Mycology, Weber State University
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Plant-soil feedbacks and competitive interactions between invasive Bromus diandrus and native forb species
BE Hilbig, EB Allen
Plant and Soil 392, 191-203, 2015
Interactions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, critical loads of nitrogen deposition, and shifts from native to invasive species in a southern California shrubland
EB Allen, LM Egerton-Warburton, BE Hilbig, JM Valliere
Botany 94 (6), 425-433, 2016
Repeated mowing to restore remnant native grasslands invaded by nonnative annual grasses: Upsides and downsides above and below ground
JM Valliere, S Balch, C Bell, C Contreras, BE Hilbig
Restoration Ecology 27 (2), 261-268, 2019
Fungal pathogens and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of abandoned agricultural fields: potential limits to restoration
BE Hilbig, EB Allen
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (3), 186-193, 2019
Ecological assembly rules and soil legacy effects in the restoration of an invaded plant community
BE Hilbig
UC Riverside, 2015
Long-Term Prospects for Restoration of Coastal Sage Scrub: Invasive Species, Nitrogen Deposition, and Novel Ecosystems1
EB Allen, C McDonald, BE Hilbig
Restoration Workshop, 1, 2019
Host specificity and environmental drivers of smut infection of brome grasses
SS Saroa, MR Maltz, BE Hilbig, MF Allen, EB Allen
2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6--11), 2017
Restoration and plant-soil feedbacks of invaded California ecosystems following multiple anthropogenic impacts
EB Allen, BE Hilbig, JM Valliere, SJM Dickens
101st ESA Annual Meeting (August 7--12, 2016), 2016
Interactions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, critical loads of nitrogen deposition, and shifts
EB Allen, LM Egerton-Warburton, BE Hilbig
BOTANY, 94 (6), 2016
Exposure To Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides And Impacts On Parasitic Infection In The Monarch Butterfly, Danaus plexippus
VM Pocius, BE Hilbig
2011 NCUR Password Protected Papers, 2011
JM Valliere, S Balch, C Bell, C Contreras, BE Hilbig
Santa Rosa Plateau Habitat Studies and Restoration Program
J Valliere, B Hilbig, E Allen
Effects of soil inocula on the growth responses of native annual forbs and the invasive annual grass, Bromus diandrus
BE Hilbig
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Articles 1–13